Education vs. Intelligence

Let’s talk about education versus intelligence.  Education does not necessarily equate to intelligence.  They can intertwine beautifully together or exist as separate constructs.  Many people confuse one’s education, i.e. the number of degrees they have, and so forth, with intelligence but sometimes, the two do not intersect.  Some people have this notion that simply because you have an education or are educated in the formal sense, that you automatically have intelligence.  This is not always true.

Education, specifically in the formal and structured sense, refers to the process of absorbing teachings and learning various skills.  It encompasses a wide range of learning experiences from traditional schooling, vocational schools, and higher education, and aims to equip one with the ability to obtain employment, contribute to society, and so on.

Intelligence on the other hand, is slightly broader and includes abilities such as reasoning, problem solving, understanding complex ideas, learning from various experiences, and adapting to new situations.  Intelligence in my opinion, is not always something that can be taught in the same way that a specific skill can be, but it is something that can be nurtured and developed. 

You can have a doctorate for example through formal education, yet still lack intelligence, common sense, wisdom, and so on.  We have all heard the terms book smart and street smart for example.  Being book smart may get you places where just being street smart may not and vice versa.  However, like education and intelligence, both can exist together, but it is not always a guarantee that they will.  Education can however, enhance one’s intelligence and expose them to diverse ideas and perspectives.


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