Seeking Out Opportunities

Happy Holidays to all who celebrate!  As you enjoy time with your family and friends, always remember to seek out opportunities to learn and grow.  There is always something to be improved upon.  Never think that you know everything, and if you think you do, go surround yourself with people that know more than you.  You continue growing when you are a forever student.  Being a forever student does not mean that you cannot be a teacher, because even the teacher is continuously learning and acquiring knowledge.  It simply means that we must not be so arrogant to think that we are above learning.

Seeking new opportunities to learn and grow can sometimes be uncomfortable, but nothing ever grows in your comfort zone.  With This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast, I hope to serve as a catalyst to encourage and inspire others through both written and spoken word, to go after all of their goals and dreams and to live their best life in this realm of existence.  However, there are many things that I am still learning about having a blog and podcast and continue to seek out those who have been doing this much longer than I for tips and guidance, always remaining open to constructive criticism and recommendations. 

The same is true when I first started practicing law.  While law school taught me how to begin to think like a lawyer, nothing prepares you to actually be a lawyer, then actually being a lawyer and gaining experience.  I often felt lost and like I did not know anything.  That was far from true.  I knew a lot, but I was also smart enough to know that which I did not know, and to seek out lawyers with experience to assist me, to ask questions, and to not be afraid to say that I did not know something.

Even now, having practiced for almost ten years, I do not know everything, and sometimes I will receive an assignment where I have to think long and hard about where to start, because I had not previously worked on such an assignment in the past.  But I am not above asking for help, or seeking out other lawyers who may have worked on something similar.  In that same token, I am also one of the go-to people for less experienced lawyers who may have questions about their assignments. 

Never be closed off to gaining more knowledge and wisdom.  This is how we continue to grow.  Your positivity and positive attitude will inspire others to have the same mindset.  It can cause an amazing ripple effect and allow you to shine like the diamond that you are.


Matching Energy

