The Scorpio

Let’s talk about the Scorpio.  As of the date of this article, Scorpio season has long passed, but that does not mean that we cannot talk astrology; specifically, the traits of the Scorpio astrological sign.  As you may have guessed, I am a Scorpio, born in November. 

It is important to note however, that many people do not believe in astrology and that is ok.  It is not my job, nor the job of anyone else to convince you to believe in anything.  That is a decision that you must make for yourself, if that is your path. 

When I started my spiritual journey, it was no one’s job to make me believe anything.  I remember having this overwhelming internal feeling of something pulling me to obtain more knowledge and wisdom about the universe.  I found myself asking questions such as why we are here, who is God, who am I, how do I honor my ancestors, and what is my purpose.  I have always had a love of learning, and a yearning to know about the hidden and unknown. 

As I have grown in my spirituality, I discovered some amazing books that have helped me along my journey, as well as some amazing speakers and teachers.  The more knowledge I obtained, I found myself wanting to share so much information with everyone, and wanting to “wake them up,” but I had to realize, that was not my job.  Everyone has their own journey, separate and apart from mine own.

So, what is astrology?  It is an ancient practice that uses the positions of the stars, planets, and sun to understand a person’s personality and life path.  When we are born, all of these are in a specific position at the exact time and place, and all make up our birth chart, which are used to gain insight into our relationships, compatibility, career paths, and much more.  Overall, astrology can be used to gain insight major life decisions.  When it comes to astrological signs, of which there are twelve, each sign is associated with a unique set of traits, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. 

Understandably however, some have argued that one’s astrological sign has nothing to do with their personality.  While we are all individuals that do not all necessarily possess the same traits under the astrological sign that we were born into, our signs can still nonetheless shed some light into certain behaviors, although our sign in and of itself, does not absolutely define you as a person, since we are all different.

When it comes to the Scorpio, we are known for our passion, intensity, and loyalty.  We are typically very loyal and dedicated in relationships, but we are also very strong willed and determined, independent and highly intuitive.  This is so true, and I have found that throughout my life, this describes me perfectly.  We also have great potential to achieve our goals and can be extremely mysterious.  I have often been told that I am ‘secretive’ and that people never really know what my next move will be.

Scorpios are also incredibly creative and often find success in the arts, which always makes me smile, because I truly believe that this is me.  As a kid, my parents always encouraged my creativity and for that, I am extremely grateful.  But as life went on, I ultimately took what I now know to be the “safe” route, although in today’s economy, no route is truly safe per se. 

Unfortunately, as life progressed and I got older, I, for lack of a better word, buried my creativity, which has been gnawing at me for years, because it is something that is truly within me.  Although I wish I would have started years ago the creative endeavors that I am now working on such as my book of poetry and my screen play, I am nonetheless truly grateful that I have started and finally “woke up” to being who I am meant to be. 

However, like every sign, Scorpios also have some so-called bad traits that can rear their ugly head and need to be worked on.  For example, Scorpios can be controlling and possessive, two traits that I have to admit I have seen in myself, and like everyone, I am a work in progress.  I like to control situations and everything around me, but as I continue to ascend in my spiritual journey, and just life in general, I know that many things are simply out of my control, and I need to relinquish the need to control everything. 

I find it fun to learn about the various zodiac signs and to see what traits either fit or do not fit the people in my life.  So, what is your sign?  Do the traits of your astrological sign fit you?  I’d love to hear from you. 


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