Episode #56: Feeling Left Out Huh?

In this episode, This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast creator and host, Sharron W., talks about feeling left out when we see so-called friends enjoying time and space without so much as having invited us, or thinking about us.

Do not fret when people leave you out or do not invite you places because that could be God or the Universe’s way of showing you that these are not the kind of people that you want or need in your life.  If a person wants to see you, spend time with you, wants to be around you, and so on, they would let you know.  Ultimately, if they wanted to, they would.

Sharron hopes to serve as a catalyst to ignite a fire within to encourage and motivate others through both written and spoken word, to go after all of their goals and dreams and to live their best lives in this realm of existence.


  •  Feelings

  • Ego

  • Feeling Left Out

  • Friendship

  • Be Careful What You Ask For

  • Discernment

  • If They Wanted To They Would

  • And More!


Episode #57: The Snakes Among Us


Episode #55: Double Standards