Episode #75: Leave The Box

This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast creator and host, Sharron W., is an Attorney, Writer, Speaker, Content Creator, Poet, and soon-to-be published Author.

In this episode, she talks about stepping outside of the box that society often tries to put us in, while discussing Andre 3000’s newest album, Blue Sun.  When you step outside of the figurative box that society tries to put us in, people tend to be confused.  When you decide to go in a different direction and try something new, some people act as if you have offended them by not sticking to what they are used to when it comes to you.  Do not worry about what others think or say.  Live life on your own terms and be happy.

Sharron hopes to serve as a catalyst to ignite a fire within to encourage and motivate others through both written and spoken word, to go after all of their goals and dreams and to live their best lives in this realm of existence.


  •  Outside the Box

  • Andre 3000 Album

  • Societal Boxes

  • Leading With Your Heart

  • Direction of Your Destiny

  • Live Life on Your Terms

  • Do Not Try to Fit In

  • And much more!


Episode #76: A Healthy Debate


Episode #74: Be Ready for Truth