Episode #78: Passion Can Change

This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast creator and host, Sharron W., is an Attorney, Writer, Speaker, Content Creator, Poet, and soon-to-be published Author.

In this episode, she talks about how our passions can change over time.  What you were passionate about five years ago, may not be what you are passionate about today. Sometimes passions are developed overtime as we get out into the world and try new things.  You may discover something that is lying dormant inside of you.  Be open to new things; going to shows, an art class, traveling, and so on.  You never know where it might lead.  It might possibly lead to a passion that you did not know you had.

Sharron hopes to serve as a catalyst to ignite a fire within to encourage and motivate others through both written and spoken word, to go after all of their goals and dreams and to live their best lives in this realm of existence.


  • Passion

  • Dreams and Goals

  • Decide to Be Happy

  • Change

  • Live Your Dream Life

  • Create Your Reality

  • And much more!


Episode #79: Forever Learning


Episode #77: Do Not Say That