Episode #83: Entitled Travelers

This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast creator and host, Sharron W., is an Attorney, Writer, Speaker, Content Creator, Poet, and a Published Author.  Her debut book of poetry, Poetic Prompts of Poetry, is available in both print and e-book on Amazon.  This book is designed to take you on a journey of love, mystery, passion, inspiration, and justice.

In this episode, she talks about the entitled that some travelers have, especially when traveling internationally.  Traveling allows one to experience and learn amazing things; both about themselves and the world around them, as it truly broadens your horizons.  Unfortunately, some people have an attitude of entitlement when traveling, assuming that the country they are visiting should bend and accommodate them in every way, oftentimes turning their nose up at the culture and the people.   

Sharron hopes to serve as a catalyst to ignite a fire within to encourage and motivate others through both written and spoken word, to go after all of their goals and dreams and to live their best lives in this realm of existence.


  •  Travel

  • International Travel

  • Entitlement

  • Arrogant Travelers

  • Entitled Travelers

  • And much more!


Episode #84: Rules for My Relationship?


Episode #82: Nothing Changes if You Don’t