A Healthy Debate

Have you ever witnessed an argument or debate, and as someone is trying to prove their point, they simply raise their voice?  Rather than improving their argument to justify their points or theories, they get louder or say the oh so popular “whatever.”  This is simply because their argument is weak, and they really do not have anything of substance to say.

I have found that oftentimes, the loudest people, are usually the ones that are wrong.  Their ego will not allow them to admit defeat or to simply admit that they were wrong.  They will instead try to hold on to their point as if their life depends on it.  Continuing to argue with such a person will make both of you look foolish even though there is only one fool.

We have all heard the saying “Don’t argue with fools because people from a distance can’t tell who is who.”  That statement is so true.  Before continuing to argue with someone who is foolish or at least acting foolish, for your own mental health, simply step back, and tell them that you are not going to continue going back and forth with them.  Walk away and allow them to argue with themselves.  Leave them standing where they are, dumbfounded, to look for the next unsuspecting person who will be subjected to their foolishness.  Oftentimes, this is best to maintain your energy.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with a healthy debate, where people can present their points, and agree to disagree.  That is perfectly fine when both are mature enough to understand that we do not always agree with one another or that one’s argument may in fact be weak.  But when you have someone who simply wants to be the devil’s advocate to everything that you say, or simply raises their voice to get their moot point across, it can become exhausting. 

Do you really want to enter that cycle and rabbit hole and go back and forth with such a person?  I know I don’t.  But I can admit that I am a student, always learning and always improving.  Admittedly, I sometimes still struggle in this area, and have to remind myself that everything is not worth arguing or debating over.  Some people, no matter how good your points are, backed up by data and facts, will still disagree with you, and become indignant as you begin to shut down and dismantle their so-called points.  At that point, it is no longer a healthy debate. 


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