Agree To Disagree

Hey there you awesome magical being you!  I hope that this article finds you well, in good health, happy, and living your best life in this realm of existence. Listen, sometimes we need to agree to disagree.  Just because someone does not agree with your opinion, does not make them a hater or make them jealous.  Let’s normalize having a difference of opinion, and respecting the opinions of others, even if their opinion is the complete opposite of ours.  Just as you have the right to your opinion, so to do they have the right to theirs. 

We are not always going to agree one hundred percent with everything that someone says, no matter how much we may like them or love them.  In fact, some people may say things that sound completely off or one that makes us scratch our head, but ultimately, unless what they are saying is a factual lie, meaning that it can be proven that they are wrong, it is what it is.

Let me tell you a story.  Back in law school, we had a formal black-tie event that I attended going into my last year.  It was a wonderful event, similar to a prom, except we had alcohol considering that everyone in attendance was over the age of twenty-one.  Everyone looked amazing in their tuxedos and perfectly fitted suits, as well as their ballgowns and beaded dresses.  The music was amazing, and I enjoyed how diverse the music was considering the diversity of the attendees.  It was a great vibe.

Several of us decided to attend the event together, and just have a good time and party.  Attending the event was a young man that attended law school with us, and he brought his then girlfriend to the event, who did not attend school with us, so this was our first time meeting her.  She was super sweet and had a great personality.  As the evening went on, one of the women that I was at the table with mentioned how pretty this young woman was, to which another young lady agreed with her.  I said that I thought she was ok, while another young woman did not agree at all about this woman being pretty.  No big deal right?  I mean, we are all entitled to our opinions. 

However, the young woman that initially said that his girlfriend was pretty, looked at both of us and accused us of being haters and being jealous.  I just stared at her and asked “Are you kidding me?”  She was adamant that because I did not agree with her about how someone else looked that I had to be jealous.  I asked her how does it make me jealous of someone simply because I do not agree that they are handsome or pretty?  How sway?  Please enlighten me, because everyone has the right to their own opinion.  Of course, she did not have an answer. 

It gets exhausting on this earth realm when people feel that if you do not agree with their opinion about how someone else looks, that are you jealous or being a hater.  In other words, she was saying in no uncertain terms, that I needed to agree with her opinion about this woman being pretty, and anything other than that, was me being jealous.  Make it make sense. 

Listen, a bunch of people could think you are gorgeous or handsome and downright scrumptious.  Yet, there will be others who will think you are average or even ugly, and that is fine.  Some people will think you have the perfect body, yet others will think that you are too fat or too skinny for them, and they are entitled to think that.  Additionally, some people may think that you are the perfect height, but others will think that you are too tall or too short, again, for them.  This does not make them a hater or jealous, simply because they have a difference of opinion.  

I’ve noticed this a lot in entertainment as well.  Let’s take Beyoncé.  I love her music and have been a fan for many years, but if you disagree with liking something that she has produced, the Beehive, those hardcore Beyoncé fans, will rip you a new one as if you cannot have a difference of opinion.  Even as a fan of Beyoncé, there are some songs of hers that I just do not like and quite frankly, while she is an amazing and beautiful entertainer, she does not have a very powerful singing voice in my opinion.  Jennifer Hudson has a powerful voice!  Fantasia has a powerful voice!  Beyoncé, not so much.  She’s more of an entertainer and does the gimmicky stuff.  She has a presence, and I’m not saying that she cannot sing at all, because she can, but she does not have an extremely powerful singing voice to me.  But as soon as you say that, here comes the Beehive with statements like, oh, you’re jealous, you’re a hater, you’re this, you’re that.   Once again, all because you disagree with someone’s opinion.

Let’s learn to respect the opinions of others, even when they do not coincide with our own.  The most high gave each of us a brain and free will to think and believe how we want.  We are not the same, and that is a good thing.  Just imagine how boring life would be if we all thought the exact same, liked the exact same things, thought the exact same people were attractive, and so on.  We all like different things and there is nothing wrong with that. 

So, let’s leave this idea that if one does not agree with your opinion about something, that they are being a hater or that they are jealous. It is exhausting to say the least. This is why although I don’t mind going out from time to time, in all honesty, I enjoy the peace of my space with my crystals, my plants, and my good vibes and the good energy in my home. Let others have their opinions. It is what makes all of us unique in our own way.




Dear Younger Self