
Division is everywhere.  We see it daily, especially in politics, sports, and religion.  People will argue you down that this religion is better than that religion, this sports team is better than that one, or you should be part of this political party and not that one because those people are jerks, and so on. 

Let’s talk religion first.  You should follow Christianity.  Oh no, you should follow Catholicism.  Better yet, you should follow Islam or Buddhism.  That particular religion speaks facts, while that one is false.  I could go on and on.  People will often try to convince you that you are wrong or on the wrong path, while they are right and on the right path.  The only path that is correct when it comes to religion or spirituality, is the one that you are on. 

We are all entitled to agree with or disagree with whatever we want, but it gets frustrating when one feels the need to argue with someone about why they follow a particular religion or doctrine, whether they grew up under this religion, or chose to be part of it as an adult, oftentimes trying to convince them that they are wrong.  Everyone has their own path that they must follow, and their path will likely not look like yours.

Imagine two people being born into separate households and one grew up under Christianity and perhaps went to a Baptist church, while another, grew up in a Muslim household, and attended Mosques, read the Quran, called God Allah throughout their life and so forth.  Both were taught specific ideologies, rules, and so on, as it applied to that religious background and doctrine.  Who are any of us to tell either one of them that what they believe in is wrong?   I’ve heard some people for example say that God’s name isn’t Allah, and that he should not be called that.  Says who?  You?  Who are you?  Just because you were taught something different, does not mean you are necessarily wrong, or they are necessarily wrong.  Why do we always think that our way is the only true way?

Growing up, most of us were taught a specific doctrine, and perhaps, like me, you started questioning things and looking into different doctrines as you matured and started your spiritual journey.  To be clear, I never set out to start a spiritual journey, but it instead found me. By the way, be sure to check out my blog article entitled “Spiritual Journey” by clicking here.  But even as I started questioning things, no longer practicing or aligning with Christianity, or attending church, I would never tell someone that still attends church and practices said religion, that they are wrong or try to persuade them not to go to church.  This is the case whether or not I believe that what they are learning is wrong. 

Just as I had an “awakening” of sorts and started along my spiritual journey since this is my path, they too would have to discover their own path.  Perhaps one day they will decide to start looking deeper into and questioning what they have been taught.  In the meantime, I have no right to try to convince them otherwise.  You are going to believe what you believe, just like I am going to believe what I believe.  Of course, considering the nature of our relationship, I can share with you in an environment that we both consider a safe space, meaning one that we are both open to hearing one another, what I have learned, why I no longer practice Christianity, and so on, but it is not my job to convince you to do the same.

I believe in spirituality, honoring my ancestors, cleansing my home with sage and palo santo, reciting certain prayers, mantras and incantations, working with crystals, and more.  A lot of people do not believe in any of that, and in fact consider it demonic, and they are entitled to their beliefs.  However, if someone came to me and tried to give me a lecture about it and why I should not do any of that, I would simply look at them, and once they were finished, I would politely tell them that while I respect their opinions and views, I will continue doing what I’m doing, and you will not tell me that I cannot do that, especially in my own home.

If I were in your home however, and you did not want me using sage or palo santo for example, I would respect your wishes out of respect for you and your home.  But to try to convince someone that their religion is wrong, their spiritual beliefs are wrong, their practices are wrong, is absolutely insane.

The same can be said about politics.  People will argue you down that the liberal left, the far left, the conservative right are this or that.  You should be a democrat and not a republican and vice versa.  You could have a family of democrats who have been democrats for generations, and the same with republicans or independents.  They are who they are, they have ideologies that they believe in, and you will not change their mind.  If one chooses to change their mind and look at things differently, it must be on their own terms and because it was what they decided to do.

It is all division either way you look at it.  No matter how much you try to argue with a supporter of the opposing party, they will likely never see it your way, and you will likely never see it their way.  You just need to agree to disagree.  There is no point in either party trying to get the other to come over to their side.  People are so stubborn and so stuck on what they are saying and what they believe that they cannot possibly fathom or even entertain other viewpoints, or anything outside of their own beliefs, and become angry when you do not have the same beliefs.  They automatically take what you say as an untruth or nonsensical.  It becomes too easy to go back and forth.  But we are all different and have different views.

Sports can especially cause division.  Listen, I am from Philly, and the sports fans here are like no other.  They can be ruthless.  Philly sports fans are some of the most hardcore, loudest fans you will ever meet.  I’m sure it is like that in other cities too, but I’m only going to speak for Philly since that is where I am from, and I have seen it personally.  For example, with the Philadelphia Eagles, our main rival is the Dallas Cowboys, or as we say the Cowgirls.  We don’t like them.  LOL.  But, there are some people in Philly that actually like the Cowboys, which is another story but I digress.  However, I’m not going to try to convince them that they should like the Eagles.  They like who they like.  And some people will go back and forth arguing stats, well your team is this, and what about that, and this and that. 

I will say that a little friendly banter and healthy debate is fine.  Say we are having a friendly wager and we are both talking BS and having a good time.  Nothing wrong with that.  But when you get to the point of fisticuffs and downright anger because someone does not like your team, you don’t like the jersey they are wearing, and more, that is a problem.  Sounds like you need anger management classes.  To get to this point about a sports team, its players, or any other topic for that matter, where the main actors don’t even know that you exist, and who could care less about you, is in my opinion, stupidity. 

So let’s stop with this division. Again, it is all good when it is in good fun, and we can perhaps have a healthy debate or friendly banter, but when it gets to the point where you are just downright angry, that is not cool, so you need to check yourself and relax.  It is not that deep.  Whatever you believe or like when it comes to politics, religion, sports, entertainment and more, can sometimes lead to never-ending arguments, debates, and division, which I refuse to partake in.  I agree with what I agree with.  Take it or leave it.


The Status Quo


Agree To Disagree