The Status Quo

There might come a time in your life when you might start questioning things.  Questioning the status quo and what you have been taught, or have seen in society.  When I first started my spiritual journey, about six years ago, I started questioning everything from how society moves, stories in the bible, why we are here, my purpose, and so on. 

That was my first inclination that I was starting my spiritual journey because I did not necessarily choose this journey.  Rather, this journey chose me.  When I think back to childhood, I had many of those same questions, but never spoke about it back then.  I simply accepted the status quo of what I was taught, and what was being engrained in me. 

I grew up in a Baptist church, and much of what I was being taught did not make any sense to me, but I remained silent.  As I got older however, later in my teenage years, and even as an adult, I began to question things out loud, but was always met with the same response which goes “that’s just how things are, and we should not question God.”  I thought to myself, says who?  Why are things like that?  When I voiced those questions as well, I would be faced with the inevitable response of “they just are, and we have to accept that.” 

However, I was not willing to simply accept what was being said to me, because much of it made no sense, especially when most of what I was being taught in church was up to interpretation.  One pastor would preach a sermon about a particular bible verse one way, then another pastor would have a totally different interpretation and would present his teachings another way.  Not to say that everything that I was taught was a lie or that it was wrong, but most of it simply did not resonate with my spirit.  There was something within me pulling me to seek more knowledge and wisdom, and to learn more and to obtain the answers to questions that I inherently know, but at the same time, do not know, if that makes sense.

It is extremely difficult to unravel and relearn what we have been taught because it has been so engrained within us.  But as I receive more answers through my spiritual practice, meditation, and more, it truly feels like I am experiencing a new world.  One of my favorite movies is They Live, which starred Roddy Piper back in the 1980’s.  I had never even heard of this movie until 2017, and it was amazing, and I resonated with this movie tremendously.  It was scary how it answered a lot of questions that I had about this world.  That movie reveals how our decisions are often influenced by unseen forces, without us even knowing, and it exposed the reality that our lives are often times controlled without us realizing it.

Maybe you are on a spiritual journey and seek answers. I say go for it. Learn as much as you can and go in the direction where your heart is taking you. It may take some time to unravel and unlearn all that has been engrained in you, but it is possible.


Praying For Others

