Praying For Others

Many people are in need of prayer or just need good vibes sent their way.  I have noticed that when someone asks others, especially on social media, to pray for them or their loved one, the first question is usually, “What’s going on?”  Or they may ask, “What’s wrong?”  I’ve even seen comments where people would ask, “What am I praying for?”  I always thought that was strange because what difference does that make? 

Unless they decide to tell you what is wrong, or what is going on with either themselves or their loved one, in my opinion, it is in bad taste to ask.  I’ve even seen and heard people say that it makes the prayer more effective when they know exactly what they are praying for.  Let’s cut the bull.  That is just a long way of saying that they are nosey and that they want to know more than they need to know.  If someone asks you to pray for them or their loved one, or to send good vibes, take heed to their request and do just that.  You do not need any additional details to do so.  

Your request could be a simple as asking God, the Universal Creator, The Most-High, or whomever you pray to, to please be with this person or their family member.  Ask that they be comforted and that whatever issues, whether mentally or physically that they are dealing with, be resolved swiftly.  Ask the universe to send good energy their way.  Ask the angels to protect them or to cover them.  It truly can be as simple as that. 

Details are not important. If they choose to tell you what is going on, let that be up to them without bombarding them with questions. If they are asking for prayers or good vibes, chances are that they are already stressed, and do not need to be stressed further with a barrage of questions.




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