
When we love and care about someone, it is natural to want to bring them along with us on our journey as we elevate and ascend in life.  We want the best for them and hope that even if they are not at our current level, that they someday will be, especially when we see them not living up to their potential.

However, as we journey through life and ascend to higher and higher levels, we must come to realization that not everyone can go with us.  Not everyone can accompany us as we ascend to higher levels of personal and professional success.  This does not mean that we love them any less or think less of them, but rather an acknowledgement that sometimes, certain people are only meant to stay in your life or along your path for a specific season or reason.

Unfortunately, ascension and elevation often times requires difficult choices and sacrifices to be made, and if we fight against making those decisions, it could hinder us from where we are going.  They may keep you down, though not intentionally, because you are not focused on where you are going, but instead, focused on finding a way for them to come with you.

One of the reasons why everyone cannot go with you as you elevate is the difference in mindset and vision.  As you ascend and achieve higher heights, your perspective and priorities may transform, and not everyone around you will share this same outlook.  Some people are ok with living a life of mediocrity and have no desire to change anything about themselves.  They don’t want to heal, change, or become of better version of themselves. 

As the old saying goes, unless and until a person wants to change and gets tired of living life the way they are currently living, they are not going to change.  They have to get to that point of wanting to change, and nothing and no one can force them to.  Trying to bring them along as you ascend will only keep both of you down and could potentially stifle your creativity and drain your energy.  Just like your journey is your journey, their journey is their journey. 

You will meet and connect with different people as you ascend to various levels and it is important to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who inspire and support you along the way.  As we elevate and ascend, we must shed old layers.  Even though we cannot force anyone to change or to heal, you can always speak positivity over someone, but they make the final decision in how to run their own life.  Any changes must come from within, but in the meantime, as unfortunate as it is, they may not be able to come with you as you ascend to greater and greater heights.


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