You Are Enough!

I realized that I needed to start creating the life that I wanted, and like magic, well almost, this blog, my podcast, and my TikTok page were born. I had to step out of my comfort zone.

Sharron W.

Hey there you beautiful, awesome, magical being!  My name is Sharron W. and I am the creator and host of This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast.  Welcome!

I am so excited to embark on this blogging and podcasting venture, and my interests in both stem from my passion for writing and public speaking.  My goal is to spread positivity, joy, magic, and inspiration.  I hope to encourage you to go after all of your goals and dreams and to live your best life in this realm of existence!

My love of writing and public speaking goes back to childhood.  I was always creative, but as I got older, I took what I considered the “safe route” and went to Law School.  I have been practicing law for almost a decade, but deep down, I know that it is not my passion.  I have allowed fear to hold me back for too many years, but no more!  One thing that remained constant however over the course of my life was my love of writing. 

Throughout the years, I have written several original poems and short stories, although I had never published them or shared them with anyone.  I thought “Who would want to read anything I had to say?”  “Why would anyone want to listen to me?”  I allowed myself to talk myself out of something that I knew I wanted to do.  Then, a light bulb went off, and I asked myself what am I waiting for?  The right people are going to support me and enjoy my content, so I had to give up this notion of the what ifs, and just go for it. 

I realized that I needed to start creating the life that I wanted, and like magic, well almost, this blog, my podcast, and my TikTok page were born.  I know, I know.  I’m late to the TikTok party but better late than never right?  Starting a TikTok page was definitely outside of my comfort zone, but as we all know, life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  By the way, check out Podcast Episode #01 here, entitled “Pursuing Your Dreams & Goals,” or under the Podcast tab.

Maybe it’s just my personality, or my Scorpio vibes, but I enjoy being an introvert, a home body, mysterious and always observing.  I’m a very private person.  For example, I could be in a relationship and social media would likely never know.  Not that I would try to hide my new boo, or maybe I would, but I just enjoy my privacy.  Don’t get me wrong, I may post a few pictures here and there of me and my boo, with captions such as “Today was a Good Day” or “Good Vibes with Good Company.”  You know, just enough to make people wonder what’s going on.  Let’s face it, people will be in your comments like “Oh, who is that?”  I just let their minds wander where they will wander and come to whatever conclusion they want to come to.  Give me a virtual high five if you know where I’m coming from. 

When I decided to start posting on TikTok, just as when I decided to start This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast, I had all kinds of thoughts and questions, wondering what I would talk about, and questioning why someone would want to listen to me, and read my blog articles.  We all have these negative thought patterns that creep into our mind from time to time that we sometimes allow to talk us out of things.  Then, I simply came to the conclusion that no one is me, and that is my superpower, just like no one is you, and that is your superpower.  We all have something to offer, and we never know who we may positively impact. 

Think about this.  If you go to the search bar in YouTube and type anything such as “How to Start a Garden” or “How to sing to a Strawberry,” you will likely find a lot of videos, where multiple people are talking about that particular subject that you inquired about.  However, each of those people are unique in how they present the information, and they are unlike any of the other hundred or more people that are doing the same thing.  So, I had to give up this notion of fear, which is nothing more than an illusion anyway.  Plus, you don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great, right?

As I embark on this journey into the unknown, I am a little anxious yet excited and motivated because I have faith that I will succeed as I truly live out my purpose and go after my passion.  I am ready to see where it will lead me.  God, the Universe, and my Ancestors have always taken care of me, and will continue to do so.  Remember that you are enough, and never allow anyone to talk you out of your dreams, even if that someone is you.  You are a magical being who has the ability to accomplish and achieve anything that you want! 

I hope that you enjoy This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast.  And don’t forget to follow me on TikTok at esquire_aka.  Many of my blog posts will have corresponding short TikTok videos.

P.S. - Want to appear as a guest on my podcast or have blog article or podcast topic ideas?  Send me a message here. I can’t wait to hear from you!


Create Your Path