Create Your Path

Hey there you beautiful, awesome, magical being!  I hope that you are having an amazing day, an amazing week, and an amazing month!  I am here to spread some positivity, joy and inspiration. 

Let’s talk paths!  Every path starts with someone or something that first created it.  I like the idea of creating my own path; you know, the one in the forest that is surrounded by trees and other shrubbery.  The one that you cannot see right now, but you eventually will.  In the voice of my Aunty Oprah (if only in my head), You get a Path!  You get a Path!  Everyone gets a path!  Yeah, I know, corny, but I laughed so I’m happy with that.  You have to laugh at your own corny jokes sometimes, right?  Listen, everyone won’t “get” you the way you do, and you cannot expect them to.  It’s called life.  But, you must love you because guess what?  I love me!  I’m weird, different, unique, and overall amazing!  I’m wonderful.  I am an empire builder.  I’m a traveler.  I’m a divine being.  All of that.  And so are you!  But back to these paths. 

What do you want to create?  What do you want to do?  What amazing life are you imagining for yourself and your family?  Is there a particular project that you want to start?  Well, I’m here to tell you to go for it!  The only person stopping you is you.  You already know that you are a magical being that has the ability to create anything that you desire.  Create the path in the forest that is surrounded by trees, thick bushes, branches, leaves, and other shrubbery. 

As you start to work, the path will become clear.  The more you push through and take action, the more the universe will assist you.  Go within and ask for guidance.  It will be given to you.  Do not be afraid to go after all of your goals and dreams and create a path that will lead to your life of abundance, prosperity, love, and joy.  You know, that life that you have been praying for, manifesting, dreaming of.  I believe in you, so it’s time that you believe in yourself.  You can do it.  Now go get it.  Go create that path and the reality that you want.  You will be amazed at where that new path may lead you, and the other paths and opportunities that it may open for you.


What’s Your Style?


You Are Enough!