What’s Your Style?

Coco Chanel once said, “The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good on you.”  To borrow from this, I say that the best style in the whole world, is the style that looks good on you. So, what style looks good on you? Whatever style you are wearing looks good on you!

Let’s talk style and fashion! Who am I?  Who are you?  Who is anyone really to say what is or is not fashionable or stylish?  Fashion is personal.  The best style is well, personal.  There is no one way to be stylish or fashionable.  It is a personal feeling from within. 

I look at fashion like art.  You and I could be in an art gallery admiring the same painting.  I might see straight lines, bold colors, representing organization and a feeling of calm.  You on the other hand might see freedom, flowing lines, and disorganization that feed your need for freedom of expression and going against the grain.  And yet a third person could wonder what the hell either one of us is talking about because all they see is nothing more than colors on a canvas.  The artwork does absolutely nothing for them.

The same is true of style and fashion.  Is it based on what the celebrity of the moment is wearing?  Societal standards?  Style to me mirrors art in that it starts with a blank canvas and as colors, layers, and accessories are added, it morphs into a beautiful and stunning piece of work in the eye of the beholder. You are a walking piece of art advertising your style and creativity, whether you are aware of this or not.  From how you wear your hair, to your shoes, cut of dress, style of suit, colors, and so on.  We cannot be so arrogant and narrow-minded to believe that our style is the best and only style. 

Style, like art, generates energy and excitement and spurs creativity.  That to me is freedom.  Freedom of expression.  I am not confined to wearing a particular article of clothing.  Who says that plaid and polka dots don’t go together?  Who says that it is a faux paux to wear five-inch red pumps with a yellow silk V-Neck Blouse and neon green skinny jeans?   I am creating art on myself; again, I am the canvas.  Like feathers on a desk will blow in whatever direction the wind blows, so too does mainstream society.  But not me.  I guess I’m a rebel; a bit of a devil’s advocate. 

If everyone is going left, I go right.  That has always been part of my personality makeup; that of a leader and not a follower.  A trendsetter, even if I’m the only participant in the trend, which I often am.  Someone could say that the sky is blue and I’ll challenge that notion and ask ‘is it really?  Or, does it simply appear to be blue?  Could it be an illusion?’  And yes, I’ll get the occasional side-eye with the look like “really?  Are you serious?”  LOL.  Now, don’t take that to mean that I am unteachable or arrogant in anyway, because I have learned tremendously from things and people around me.  I’m just curious to find my own path and to not simply accept an answer at face value for many things.  To go against the grain, and I love it. 

So go ahead and create your own style.  I’m sure you will look fabulous! And be sure to check out Podcast Episode #02 here, entitled “Being Authentically You,” or under the Podcast tab.




Create Your Path