Close The Door

You need to close the door on that relationship.  You know, that one where that man or woman comes in and out of your life as they please doing lord knows what with lord knows who in the meantime between time.  Yes, that one.

Do you remember when you were a child, and kept running in and out of the house?  Your parents, grandparents, or whomever you lived with would say “stop running in and out of this house!”  They especially said this when the air conditioning was on.  They would tell you that you are either in or out because their door was not a revolving door.

Yet, time and time again, many people allow someone to keep coming back and forth into their life.  They keep allowing this person to use them as a revolving door. However, it is important to note that you are only hurting yourself by allowing them to continue to come and go.  Even your friends and family constantly tell you that you should not keep allowing this person to come back into your life, and although you know that they mean well, it is not always easy, especially when feelings are involved.  Trust me, I understand, as many of us have stayed in situations much longer than we should have. 

But every time you allow this person to use you as their option, you are breaking your own heart.  Their presence in your life is not healthy, so it is time that you cut them off completely.  The next time they go, how about locking that door, and cutting off its revolving motion?  Or, if they have already left, lock the door and do not give them the option to return. Meaning, let that be the end of their access to you.  People will only do what you allow them to do, because you teach people in not just your words, but in your actions, how to treat you.  The more you keep allowing someone to walk all over you, using you whenever it is convenient for them, with no consequences, the more they will continue to do it.   

Do not give them the option to come back again, because clearly, they do not understand the value of what is on the other side of that door.  Stop being their option and free time to come about whenever they please.  You are more valuable than that and it is time you start acting like it, so close the door on that situation. You will be much happier in the end, and it will make room for someone to come into your life who will stay on the other side of that door with you, because they know and understand just how valuable the person is on the other side.


Badass Women


What’s Your Worth?