Conspiracy Theory or Truth?

Conspiracy theories are always conspiracy theories until they are proven and come true.  How many people back in the day were deemed as conspiracy theorists, such as Dick Gregory, Bobby Hemmit, Dr. Delbert Blair, Dr. Phil Valentine, and many others who have said things, and for those still living, are still saying things?

Most so-called conspiracy theories that I have heard have come true or have been proven.  Even so called ‘regular’ people that many have not heard of such as my great-grandmother, could be deemed as a conspiracy theorist. 

My great-grandmother was born in North Carolina in 1900 before migrating up north to Philadelphia as a teenager.  She would often say things that most people would have likely given the side eye to, or at would have at least wondered what she was talking about.  She would talk about things happening, that seemed so far off base that you could not even imagine what she was saying.  Then, low and behold, certain things that she mentioned, started happening about one hundred years after she was born, and long after she passed on in the 1980’s. 

Sometimes, we have to just accept that certain people know things.  They are inherently aware even if it does not make any sense to us.  Often times, people label others as crazy or say that they do not know what they are talking about.  But here’s the reality; YOU don’t know what they are talking about.  YOU are unaware.  YOU are not tapped into certain things.  YOU are not on that frequency of knowing.  YOU have not ascended to a certain level yet.

Please note however that this is not my way of claiming to be on a certain level because I still have much to learn.  I am a forever student who is continuously seeking and obtaining knowledge and wisdom.  I have much learning to do.  Much more seeing to do and I will.  But I am not so naive to think that if someone tells me something that I may have never heard of or do not understand, that they are automatically lying, or to just write them off as crazy or a conspiracy theorist. 

I am sure that we have all heard the saying that a lie is much easier to believe and digest than the truth.  We have so conditioned to believe lies, that the truth is often a hard pill to swallow.  But have we thought about why that is the case?  In my opinion, this is due to the lies that we have been fed, and all of the things that have been engrained in us.  We have been so conditioned to believe a lie that when the truth is right in front of us, we think to ourselves, “Wait a minute!  What the hell is this?”  It is the truth staring you in your face.

Let’s look at the entertainment industry for a moment.  Many movies often put the truth right in your face, but because it seems so far-fetched, we just think that they are being super creative.  We simply look at it as entertainment.  But is it really entertainment?  Are they really super creative? 

Back in the day, and most people around my age will likely remember, there was a movie called The Never-Ending Story, which to this day is still one of my favorite movies.  In the movie, a little boy finds a magical book that sweeps him into the story, and he ultimately finds out that only he can save the fantasy world of Fantasia, which is being slowly devoured by a malevolent force called The Nothing.

One of the characters in book was Falkor, the Luck Dragon.  I recently re-watched the movie from a different lens than I did as a child, and there are so many lessons in the story.  As an adult who has started her spiritual journey about six to seven years ago, I started wondering if the movie was really make believe, or if much of it was in fact real.  Again, many truths are put into movies that we simply think are entertainment. 

We could argue that the creators simply had great imaginations, which many people do, but we also have to think about whether these things actually exist.  But, because we have been so conditioned to look at is as fiction, or a fairy tale, we cannot fathom the possibility of something like this being real.  We cannot fathom that there are creatures that we have never heard of or have yet to see in our reality.  That ladies and gentlemen is what we call limiting our sight to our reality and surroundings.  You will stay stuck in bondage, in the matrix of life when you refuse to go outside of anything because you are just stuck on what you can see.  When you hear anything that is outside of what you have been taught or what you have seen, you just cannot believe it.

Keep calling people crazy if you wish, but some of these so-called crazy people are some of the most intelligent and tapped in people you will ever meet and have the honor of speaking with and learning from.  So, you might not want to just disregard certain things that people tell you. 

Now I’m not saying that you need to believe every single thing that you hear, because of course you should use discernment, and your own gut will tell you if something is to be believed or not.  However, my point is that we should not just automatically write something or someone off simply because what we hear initially does not make sense.  If something catches me off guard, I may write it down, put it in the back of my mind, and maybe do some more research about the topic.  Then, I might wait to see if anything comes up. 

I will be the first to admit that it is extremely hard to unlearn that which you have learned over a lifetime.  I am still trying to unlearn and unpack so much of what has been engrained in me for a lifetime.  There are so many things in this vast universe that we have not even touched the surface of.  As we go deeper into the rabbit hole, we start to open our eyes to a lot of things.  Be open to learning and understanding and not be so quick to automatically dismiss new information.


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