Dear Future Husband

A letter to my future husband.  As I sit in my sanctuary imagining what my future husband looks like, sounds like, smells like, his personality, how he would make me laugh, I decided to write him a letter.  I truly believe that we can manifest the life that we want, including the people that we want to be a part of it.  The law of attraction is real.  Future husband, if you are reading this, I love you and can’t wait to meet you.

Dear Future Husband,

You are incredible.  I love you and it is a privilege and an honor to be your wife.  I adore your loving nature, and you show me daily that I am appreciated.  I prayed for you before I even knew you physically, although I have known you spiritually for an eternity.  I am grateful to have manifested you into my life.  You are faithful, loyal, romantic, affectionate, family oriented, funny, respectful, generous, spiritual, confident, magical, charismatic and much more. 

You are a beautiful spirit who expresses your emotions in a healthy and purposeful manner.  Though you are gentle at the core, you are assertive when need be, but always in the most respectful way.  I have faith and trust in you.  You are a highly motivated and ambitious man, but you always ensure that family comes first no matter what.  I also love your thirst for knowledge and your mindset of being open to always learning something new.

We are financially free, and have accumulated so much wealth and riches in all areas of our lives.  We are truly free.  Your wealth mindset is inspirational and I learn so much from you.  You are wealthy in all ways; spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I love your decisiveness and how your mere presence commands respect from everyone in the room.  Leading our family with pride and confidence, you are responsible in every way.

You and I both love intimacy, and I love being around you and just hearing your voice.  We become deeper enveloped and connected on a spiritual level daily, feeding off of one another’s energy.  You want what I want, but I love how you also expand my mind into things that I didn’t even know I wanted.  I love how you always speak life into my spirit and make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.    

I love the dream home that we have built, especially the garden that you made just for me, where we grow fresh fruits and vegetables for our family.  I thoroughly enjoy cooking those healthy delicious meals.  Even our children like the vegetable dishes that I prepare. 

We have properties all over the world, and have created a legacy for the next generation.  I am extremely proud of the generational wealth that we have created, and it warms my heart to know that our beautiful children, their children, and their children are set for life.  Our children are truly blessed to have you as a father.  You are present and purposeful, and I am proud that we lead by example in how spouses are supposed to treat one another.  Our children feel the love between us in our home and they know that they are always safe and loved. 

I also love your love of travel, and we travel the world together.  When we first met, I expressed my love of traveling and my love of learning about other cultures, and you expressed the same.  I love that our children, who speak multiple languages, are receiving a real-world education by immersing them into the culture when we visit various countries.  They have met other children from around that world, and I know that they will continue to develop and foster these relationships as they get older.  We always have so much fun on our trips and adventures.  People often think that we are newlyweds because of the way we act when we are together.  We are blessed that our parents sometimes come along on these trips and I am beyond proud that we are able to provide such a lifestyle for them.

While we are successful and a force together as husband and wife having several businesses and investments, and are definitely a power couple, we are also successful individually.  Before we were even married, we each had our own investments from various businesses.  We came into one another’s lives whole and complete and rather than completing one another, we complement one another.  As blessed as we are to have all that we have, you always ensure that we remember to be a blessing to others.  We both firmly believe that to whom much is given, much is required, and we have been so blessed, that we must be a blessing to others.  Knowing the impact and help that is provided by our charitable endeavors is beyond satisfying and I am so grateful that we are in a position to be able to give the way that we do.

Husband, I know you are out there, and our souls are connected.  I am so proud of you and all that you do.  I cannot wait to meet you.


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