Divine Masculine & Feminine

Let’s talk about relationships and divine femininity.  A woman being in and walking in her divine femininity is a woman walking in her power.  Please note that in expressing my views, I am not speaking for all women, as I could never do that.  I am only speaking for myself.  Understandably however, other women may be able to relate to what I am saying because they have had similar experiences, but none of us can ever speak per se for any of us; only for ourselves. 

We all have masculine and feminine energy, as there must be a balance like yin and yang.  A lot of people I feel get these terms misconstrued, almost as if saying that man being in his femininity is an insult.  Again, everything has balance.  You are not 100% masculine or 100% feminine.  You need both.  

As a woman however, especially when in a relationship, I want to be in my feminine energy as much as possible; that soft, nurturing energy.  As a single woman, and even with past relationships, I have never felt like I could fully be in my feminine energy as much as I wanted to be.  I often felt like I had to step up to the plate and be in my masculine energy much more than I wanted to.  I don’t want to always be in charge, be the leader, be the boss, be in control. 

For example, in previous relationships, my partners had a habit of not keeping their word, and let’s face it, you are only as good as your word.  They would say that they were going to do something, complete something, and then it would not get done.  When I would ask them about it, they of course considered it nagging, instead of putting the onus back on themselves and admit that they fell short and did not do the thing that they said they would do.  Unless extreme and uncontrolled circumstances come up for you to not keep your word, I expect that you would keep your word, just as you should expect me to keep my word. 

I often felt that in order for certain things to get done, I had to step up and do it myself.  I could never sit back and just truly be because of these let downs.  So, I have always felt and even now being a single woman, that I had to always be in control and could never just relax.  I really just wanted to let go and not be in control, but it’s like that old adage of if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.  And I don’t want to feel that way.  I don’t want that vibe.  I want that feeling of knowing that if my partner says that he is going to do something, I already know without a doubt that it is going to get done.

I look forward to meeting a partner that will allow me to be as much as possible in my divine femininity.  One to whom I am comfortable submitting, because submission is earned, and not just freely given.  I want to be able to sit back and know that his word is bond and that when he says he is going to do something, I can consider it done, and not worry about it.  I just have to be that nurturing, soft woman that I want to be.  I want to just know that he will fix, pay for, do whatever he said he would.  I have never had that in past relationships, but I look forward to having it one day soon.  I want to be in that energy of letting him lead, protect, be a provider, be in his masculine energy, but of course as we mentioned, there is always balance. 

In any relationship, although I feel that as a woman I want to be more in my feminine energy, at the same time, I also have masculine energy too if I need to step up and get things done, especially when it comes to working on building my empire, being a boss, a business owner and more.  The same with a man; he too has a soft side.  He has emotions and feelings, and at times, he would be in his feminine energy, where he might just want to lay on me, or if I’m not feeling well, he takes care of me, and nurtures me, rubs my back, feeds me, and so on.  Of course, this man must be comfortable with his woman to be vulnerable enough to be in this feminine energy at times. 

You are no less of a man in your femininity than you are in your masculinity.  Just like a woman must be able to step into her masculinity when it comes to bossing up, running her business, and more, so too must a man be able to step into his femininity to be delicate with his woman, and to be nurturing at times.  However, being in my masculinity too much has me exhausted at times.  I want to just be able to sit back and breathe, knowing that my King has me in everything, and I have faith that he is on his way.  With the law of attraction, I am attracting my soulmate into my space.

My grandmother always said that you can do bad by yourself. This is so true. If I have to do everything, and not be able to be in my divine femininity, because you are not stepping up into your divine masculinity and all that it embodies, I might as well remain single. Why even go through the trial of being in a so-called relationship if I cannot breathe and be the feminine goddess that I am?


Dear Younger Self


Don’t Knock It Until You Try It