Don’t Knock It Until You Try It

How many times have we written something off because of what someone else told us about it, or based on what society said?  Oftentimes, we are curious about things, but we are constantly told that it is wrong or evil, and so on, and because of this, we never take it upon ourselves to learn more about that particular thing.  Think about hoodoo, honoring our ancestors, the Orishas and more.  People have been so engrained with a specific doctrine that when hearing anything that goes against it, they automatically dismiss it.

I wrote an article a while back entitled “The Beauty of Crystals.”  In that article, I spoke about how as I have matured over the years in my spiritual walk, I started asking questions, and in a sense, my spiritual journey started at that point.  I no longer just accepted the status quo and what I have been taught my entire life, but instead chose to seek wisdom and knowledge, which I am always in pursuit of.  During this journey, I discovered crystals, and until that point, I simply looked at crystals as being beautiful but did not know much about them. Be sure to check out that article here

I started doing research and found that humans have been using crystals for various healing and ritual purposes for centuries.  Diverse groups of people have turned to crystals and gemstones to address various needs over the millennia.  Many regard crystals as possessing mystical powers, yet others believe that crystals are evil, and that one should not work with them, and so on.

Growing up in a Baptist Church, I would always hear that Jesus is the way, and other similar verbiage.  Let me be clear.  Although I have my own opinions about organized “religion” itself and the Church, I absolutely believe in God.  I believe in an Ultimate Supreme Creator regardless of what you choose to call that Creator.  However, I also believe that certain things are here for a reason such as crystals. 

Throughout my research, I started discovering amazing crystals, and while my collection is still small, it is nonetheless quite nice.  I love all of my crystals, and they have become a part of my life.  I truly believe that they can stimulate spiritual growth and bring about positive change.  Perhaps you are interested in learning more about crystals, or anything else for that matter.  I say go for it.  Rather than writing something off just based on what someone else has told you, look into yourself. 

I am the same way even when it comes to movies, watching a content creator, and so forth.  Critics all over the world could say that the movie is bad, and some people that I know personally may also say the same thing.  Some people might say that a certain content creator should be ignored, because their content is this or that.  However, I want to judge that for myself.  Perhaps I will look at the movie from a different angle than someone else did, and actually like it.  Or, maybe I will understand that content creator on a level that someone else may not have.  Who knows.  But the point is this.  Do not just write something or someone off simply based on what someone else has said.

Always use discernment in what you choose to go after and learn about, but ultimately, it is up to you. It should be your choice to pursue further study of something that has piqued your curiosity. If there is something that you want to learn about, I say go for it. Learn as much as you can about whatever you want. If you ultimately decide that it is not for you, that is fine. But you will never know where something may lead if you do not at least look into it for yourself. You may be pleasantly surprised.


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