Divine Purpose in Dating?
Chosen ones sometimes find it difficult to be in relationships, because our energy oftentimes becomes so drained with others that are not in alignment with us. We have a divine purpose that is in alignment with our souls’ contract. Believe it or not, we all have a soul contract that we signed prior to coming into this realm to live out a particular purpose and everything that happens good or bad, we agreed to. I know. I know. That is extremely hard to believe.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the beginning of 2024, I thought about this often, and asked why would I agree to go through that? It was horrible. But, through my tears and stress, I had to really think about it. Perhaps going through that journey allowed me to have even more empathy and sympathy for others that may have been going through the same thing. Perhaps my purpose in that was to serve as a testimony for someone else in the future. Honestly, I’m not quite sure, but I am sure that I went through what I went through for a particular reason.
A vast majority of the time, the people that chosen ones encounter are monitoring spirits that are trying to cause distractions and chaos and get us away from our souls’ purpose which is to break all generational curses. We are old souls. When you have a divine mission and a divine purpose that has been pre-ordained by the universe, you must deviate from distractions.
You did not come back here to just date someone that would take you off your game and mission and what you are here to do. This is why it is so hard for chosen ones to be in a relationship, because we see beyond our three-dimensional reality and see through people that are not genuine pretty quick. When we date those that are not in synchrony with our divine purpose it creates the energy of procrastination and stagnation, which is why a great number of us must date other chosen ones.
We need to go beyond mere surface level attraction. A demonic spirit with a handsome face, nice suit, and amazing smelling cologne might look good, but he will never be good for you. Now don’t get me wrong, we are all still physical beings so of course the first thing we see is attraction. But as you get to know someone, really think about whether or not they really are attractive or just attractive on the outside. Do they align with your divine purpose? Chosen ones especially must be selective in who we choose to date and share our lives with. Choose wisely.