Never Apologize
Never apologize for being you! You are exactly who and how you are meant to be. Of course, one could argue that there is always room for improvement in certain areas of our lives, and that is fine. However, when it comes to you simply being you and not faking it for others to like or accept you, that is where your true power is.
In society, we often have to code switch depending on who we are around whether it be family, friends, employer, high society country club, and so on. It can be quite challenging sometimes to remain true to oneself, especially given the pressure to conform to the environment around you, and to meet certain social expectations. We often fear being judged or rejected which can deter us from being authentically us. But it is important to embrace you authentically and unapologetically.
Some people however, regardless of who they are around or the environment in which they find themselves in, act the exact same. Now sometimes that is a good thing and other times it is not. There is always a time and place for everything. However, when it comes to being yourself, whether you are quirky, weird, eccentric, and so forth, do not change simply for someone else to like you. Being yourself means expressing your true personality, values, and beliefs, regardless of external influences. If they do not like and accept the real you, then let it be. What is the point in having someone like the “fake” you? You will only be able to uphold that appearance for so long.
Think about relationships. Most people are on their best behavior initially when they first meet someone and as they are getting to know someone. But it does not take long before the “real” person appears. How many times have we heard someone say that their partner was “never like this before?” Here’s the thing. They were like that before, you just never saw it because they put forth their representative. But think about this. Authenticity oftentimes attracts genuine connections. How can you forge truthful and meaningful relationships if you are not being yourself? Being you allows others to see the real you, which can foster deeper relationships, which is ultimately the goal.
Always remember that there is value in being true to yourself and to never apologize for being you authentically. The right people will not only find you, but embrace you for exactly who you are.