What Would Your Future Self Think?

Do you believe that your future self would be proud of you for making the decisions you are making today?  Or, do you think your future self would have regrets about the decisions you are making today?  Think about this.  We are all getting older everyday whether we like it or not.  Sometimes, we need to take stock of how our lives are going and ask ourselves, “What can I do now to ensure that my future self will be proud of me and happy that I made certain decisions?  What can I do now to ensure that my future self is living the life that I have imagined and always wanted?

Reflecting on this requires that you go on an inner journey to determine all that you have done, whether or not it has been successful, and what you may or may not need to do differently going forward.  It is always a good idea to reflect on things to see if changes may be necessary.  Perhaps you have been working on an idea that you have had, and it is not working out.  That does not mean that the idea itself is bad; perhaps you just need to take a step back, regroup, and go after it a different way.

When reflecting on what you are currently doing to determine if your future self would be proud, look at your overall goals (professional and personal), look at the challenges that you have already overcome and how you addressed them, embrace opportunities for growth and advancement (never stop learning), and of course embrace change, because as we all know, change is inevitable. 

It is also important to look around at our relationships.  Have you built and cultivated meaningful relationships?  Are you investing time into maintaining those connections whether it be with family, friends, and/or your community?  Have you been a positive influence to others?  You never know how you may impact someone else’s life, and in turn how your life may be positively impacted by others.  You also never know who could potentially change your life for the better, putting you that much closer to the life that you are envisioning for yourself. 

As you move forward, take time every so often to ask yourself if you are on the right course to creating the life that you want and if your future self would be proud.  If not, now is the time to make a change, as this reflection can help you align your present actions with the person you aspire to be and the life you aspire to live.  Live intentionally so that you can ensure that your future self will be proud.


Never Apologize