Entitled Travelers

Some Americans can be so arrogant.  Let me explain. 

I have been blessed to be able to travel around the world to some amazing destinations since I was a child.  Aside from the beauty of these countries, the friendly people, amazing food and culture, one of the things that I have always noticed is how arrogant some Americans can be.  The entitlement is ridiculous. 

Before we continue, allow me to preface this by saying that I am in no way only saying that Americans can be arrogant.  I have seen arrogant and entitled travelers of all nationalities.  However, for the purpose of this article, I am focusing on my fellow Americans, and what I have seen during my travels.

I believe that traveling, especially internationally, allows you to experience and learn amazing things; both about yourself and the world around you.  It truly broadens your perspective of the world and allows you to live life to the fullest.  Unfortunately, however, I have witnessed some of rudest Americans in these countries that I have had the pleasure of visiting, with their air of superiority and entitlement.  I have witnessed some become angry if the country did not completely conform to their likes or if they did not bend to accommodate them in every way possible.

I have also witnessed some who had the nerve to get upset that the people in the country they were visiting did not speak English, and if they did, not good English.  Make that make sense.  You are in their country and they are speaking their native tongue and you are mad?  And even when they attempt to speak English to try to accommodate you, you still get upset because it isn’t ‘perfect?’  I was utterly flabbergasted.  They will also complain about the food, the culture, and so on.

Some people will question everything and complain the entire time.  This is why I cannot travel with everyone, because honestly, if I am traveling with someone, and they start acting like this, it would be our last trip together, and I might even be tempted to ditch them for the remainder of the current trip.

I am not saying that we have to agree with all of the rules, laws, customs, and regulations of every country.  There is nothing wrong with disagreeing or not liking something.  I have been to countries where I did not always agree with everything, but here is the thing.  Whether I like it or not, as long as I am in their county, I need to be mindful and respectful of their laws and rules.  Period.  Whether I think their laws are too restrictive or not restrictive enough does not matter. 

Ultimately, if you cannot appreciate the beauty of another country, and feel the need to complain about everything and everyone, and have an attitude of entitlement, perhaps you should stay home.  You are an embarrassment to the rest of us.


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