You Don’t Want a Peaceful Life

Let’s talk about peace.  I’m sure that we have all heard many people spout phrases such as:

“I’m protecting my peace.”

“Protecting my energy.”

“Be his peace.”

“Be her peace.”

We have heard these phrases or some variation thereof more times than we can count.  Here’s the thing.  So many people talk a good game about how important their peace is, and how they “don’t have time for drama,” yet they constantly surround themselves with chaos and drama.  They tend to hover between harmony and pandemonium.  How can you expect your life to be peaceful when you are constantly inviting chaos and drama into it?

I have found that more often than not, some people will preach about peace from the rooftops and how important it is for them to remain in a peaceful state by protecting their energy and so forth.  Yet, their personal lives resemble the aftermath of hurricane with one hundred mile per hour winds.  And this is not typically by accident.  This confusion leaves most of us wondering why and if they are in fact genuine in their need for peace, or does it just sound good?

Their social media overflows with positivity, inspirational quotes and advice, discussions about mindfulness and so on.  The dissonance is almost comical.  Almost.  I’m sure that we can agree that some who are a walking contradiction post such things for likes and applause, not because they are actually practicing what they are preaching or posting.  Peace is a marketable commodity and it sounds good to say. 

These same people continue to surround themselves with drama, chaos, and other disturbances.  They like to gossip about other people and are always negative or talking about someone else in a negative light.  They continue participating in low level, low vibrational conversations and activities, yet talk about how their peace is so important to them.  This kind of behavior does not serve them in any way.  To me, it is like saying that your health is so important to you and is a top priority, yet you eat several strips of bacon daily.  You are doing the exact opposite of what you say you want. 

To play devil’s advocate however, perhaps true peace is not necessarily found in the absence of chaos, but in the ability to flow with it and transcend it, because we cannot control outside factors that try to invade.  Even the calmest ocean has undercurrents that can form a tsunami, so peace can bloom in the most unexpected of circumstances.  The point still remains however that while you cannot control all situations, you can control how your respond, especially if protecting your peace is so important to you as you say it is.  Sometimes, depending on the situation, the “peaceful” thing to do may be to not respond at all. 


Entitled Travelers


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