Do You Really Have Faith?

Many of us talk about faith but become paralyzed by fear.  How is that even possible?  Sometimes, we may have a vision and a pull to go in a certain direction, yet we try to ignore it, or think of every excuse in the book as to why we could never achieve that which is on our heart.  We try to ignore the very thing that the universal creator has placed within us, becoming fearful of actually going after it.

Sometimes, things do not always make sense when they are placed on our hearts, but that is where faith comes in.  Martin Luther King said that faith is taking that first step even though you cannot see the entire staircase.  How true is that?  Very!  So many of us, myself included, want to see the entire journey, and want to ensure that everything is perfect before proceeding, as we are afraid to make a move into the unknown because we cannot see the entire picture. 

However, it is sometimes necessary to walk into the unknown with confidence and a knowing that we will succeed, and as things fall into place, which they will, it will start to make sense as to why we were pulled to go in a specific direction.  This also coincides to me with moving in silence, because unfortunately, when something is placed on our hearts, we tend to overshare, or at least share with the wrong people.

Unfortunately, as I’m sure you are aware, others tend to project their own insecurities onto us, thereby highlighting our fears.  However, you must keep in mind that your vision or dream may not be understood by everyone, because it was not given to them.  It was given to you, so of course they may not understand.  To be honest, we may not fully understand our own dreams or this yearning to go in a specific direction or to do things a specific way, so we do not need any added fears from outsiders.

Faith is knowing that although fears will arise, as that is normal, we must have the confidence to go after all which has been placed on our hearts and go forth knowing that we will succeed in all that we do and have been called to do.  Do not allow your fears to stop you.  Go for it!


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