Is Playing It Safe Really Safe?

Many people second guess themselves, myself included at times, trying to avoid mistakes whether spiritually or in life in general.  However, playing it safe all of the time may not always be safe; in fact, it may be a tad dangerous. 

Wanting everything to be perfect before making a move in life or taking action can be dangerous because you are preventing yourself from growing.  You are constantly waiting for this perfect time to start a new business, a relationship, and so on, which may never come.  There will never be a perfect time to start anything.  The next thing you know, five or ten years have passed, and you are still in the same spot, afraid to make a move. 

This is also known as fear.  Understandably, we all face fear, but at some point, we have to face it and push through.  Nothing ever grows from your comfort zone, and I have found that one of the secrets in life is learning how to take a risk and stop playing it so safe all of the time.  By holding yourself back and playing it safe too much, you can miss out on so much and so many blessings because you are constantly second guessing yourself.

For me, I have this perfectionist thing, which I talked about in my previous blog article entitled “Time Is Going to Pass By,” which you can read by clicking here.  Prior to starting my blog and podcast, I was procrastinating a lot thinking that I needed to have all of my I’s dotted and T’s crossed before stepping out.  However, as I explained in that article, I believe that a lot of my “research” was analysis paralysis which was caused by fear.

To some, being a perfectionist may seem like a desirable trait to have, but it really can be harmful.  Oftentimes, us perfectionists have feelings of anxiety and stress that we cause ourselves.  We may also struggle with procrastination and paralysis, as we fear making mistakes or not living up to our own high expectations. 

However, I am a work in progress who is trying to improve myself daily.  I have to constantly remind myself that things do not have to be perfect in order for me to move or take action.  Overall, striving for perfection can lead to an exhausting cycle that leads to unhappiness.

Ultimately, while playing it safe sometimes is not necessarily a bad thing, when you play it safe too much to the point where it is preventing you from making a move or taking action, it can be dangerous.  Face your fears and push through them because everything that you want is on the other side of fear. 


Ingredients for Life


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