Time Is Going To Pass By

Time is going to pass by, because time stops for no one.  Whether you start working on your goals and dreams today or continue to scroll on social media for hours on end, with the television playing in the background, time is still going to pass.  You need to decide how you want to spend your time. 

Take a moment, and picture yourself exactly one year from the date that you are reading this article.  What are you doing?  Are you doing the exact same thing that you are doing today?  Have you elevated in any way?  Did you start that business or project that you have wanted to start for so long and always talked about?  Or are you still talking about it?  The choice is yours.

Since the time is going to pass by anyway, imagine how much happier you will be at this time next year, having started working on that idea, project, or business.  You will be leaps and bounds ahead of where you currently are.  Yes, there will likely be obstacles along the way, and moments when you want to quit, but you won’t, and you will be glad that you kept going.  Just imagine for a moment all of the contacts and networks that you could build within a year, if you simply get started today.  Here’s the thing, you do not need to have all of the answers in order to get started. 

One of my issues was analysis paralysis, something that I honestly still struggle with at times.  As an attorney, I am trained to research and look into issues, and so on, but when it came to living out my passion of writing, and in starting This Realm of Existence Blog & Podcast, I was doing so much research.  I was researching the various website hosting platforms, types of microphones, how to do this, and how to do that, until one day, I had to stop myself and just start.  I knew that I would learn along the way.  I’m not saying that you should not do any research, but in my case, it started to feel like a procrastination technique.

To date, I have changed my website around several times, and will likely continue to change it as I learn new things.  I will promote my blog and podcast more and more, as I continue to learn more about marketing, advertising, and promotion.  When I decided to put my podcast on Apple Podcast, I initially had no idea how to do so.  It was as if they were speaking a foreign language when they said that I would need an RSS Feed in order to connect the podcast episodes from my website to the Apple Podcast Platform.  But I learned, and my podcast is now on Apple Podcast, so be sure to check it out here.

I’m quite sure that you do not want to look up at this time next year and have regrets.  None of us want to have regrets.  Even if we try something that ultimately does not work for us, we can at least say that we tried, and use the lessons that we learned from that experience and apply it to something else that will be better than we could have imagined. 

Ultimately, the choice in how you spend your time is yours. Either way, the time is going to pass, so why not take a leap of faith and go after your vision. Start working on your goals and dreams and stop procrastinating. This time next year, you will be glad that you did.


What Do You Desire?


Is He Crazy?