What Do You Desire?

Read this carefully.  In case no one told you today, your goals, dreams, and ambitions are worth pursuing, and you need to believe that you will achieve every goal that you set for yourself.  I already know that I’m going to achieve every goal and more that I set for myself, and my goals are HUGE, and yours should be too. 

They are my Big Hairy Audacious Goals (B.H.A.G. for short).  I heard that acronym at a conference that I attended many years ago, and it has stuck with me.  As a quick sidebar, I do not recall the name of the conference nor the speaker who came up with that acronym.  If I could, I would absolutely give proper credit, because I firmly believe in giving credit where credit is due and to never imply that I am the original creator of something when I am not.  Just wanted to put that disclaimer out there.

Back to our dreams and goals.  I will never apologize for dreaming big!  As audacious and grand as my dreams and goals are, I already know that I will meet every last one of them, and then some that I did not even know that I wanted or needed.  You will too!  I am determined to make it happen.  I will be a millionaire and ultimately a billionaire.  Yes, you read that correctly.  When or how you ask?  I have no idea, and quite frankly, that is none of my business.  But it is going to happen and the time to act is now.  The universal creator God, gave me a vision and a dream, which was put on my heart for a reason.  We just need to have faith and ask for guidance, and be still enough to listen to the guidance that is provided. 

Oftentimes, the only thing that stops us from achieving our BHAG’s is ourselves.  Our fears are many times self-created.  We must learn to keep those negative thought patterns away.  You know, that voice in your head that creeps up on you and ask “who do you think you are having these BHAG’s?  How are you going to accomplish that?”  And of course, it is a sarcastic voice dripping in jealously.  Tell that voice to shut it!  The ego needs to get back in its place.  Just breathe and keep pushing and never allow anyone to talk you out of your dreams, not even you!

You know how when you bake a cake, you need various ingredients such as flour, sugar, baking soda, vanilla, eggs, and whatever else.  All of these ingredients put together and baked in the oven form a delicious moist cake for you to enjoy.  What about the ingredients for your life?  How do you form yourself every day to be the best version of you?  Let me give you some ingredients. 

First you need a cup of confidence, followed by a cup of belief.  Next, add a cup of faith, and another cup of focus.  You will then need to add two heaping cups of gratitude; one for all that you currently have and another for all that is coming your way.   Follow that by adding a cup of determination, and lastly a cup of motivation.  Now mix all of that together, and see what you get.  It is going to be awesome.

I hope that this article has in some way inspired you to keep going and work on those BHAG’s. Just believe in yourself as much as I do. If it has been placed on your heart, it was placed there for a reason. I wish you joy, peace, love, prosperity, and much success.


Embracing You Fully


Time Is Going To Pass By