
Life is a boomerang, and everything that we put out there both positive and negative, always returns to us. We must be mindful in how we are moving.

Karma.  We all have it, whether good or bad.  If not utilizing your energy for good, then do not utilize it at all.  Do what you want with free will but understand that there are consequences to every action that you make. 

Under the Hermetic Principles, which are a set of laws that can transcend the physical plane and impact one’s experience of the spiritual worlds, and reach into the generations to come, there are seven principles.  These principles include:

  1.  Mentalism

  2. Correspondence

  3. Vibration

  4. Polarity

  5. Rhythm

  6. Cause & Effect

  7. Gender

I would encourage you to read about all of the Hermetic Principles because the information and guidance that they provide is definitely worth looking into.  However, for the purpose of this article, we are going to focus on the Principle of Cause & Effect, which speaks to Karma.

Karma is created on actions whether positive karma or negative karma and will manifest itself through your actions and in some cases non-action, which is about what you should have done but did not do.  In the simplest terms, what comes around goes around.  What you are doing or have done to others will come back to you, especially bad behaviors.  You never escape that because you reap what you sow, so watch your actions.

Life is a boomerang and everything that you put out there, both positive and negative, always comes back because karma is real.  People seem to think that if they do something and get away with it, that it is the end of it.  Aht.  Aht.  Always remember that Spirit sees everything and forgets nothing. 

You do something bad, or put negativity out there, it is going to come back to you, and more than likely, it will come back to you ten-fold.  If you gave someone the evil eye, or wished them bad or ill intent, whatever you wish for them is going to boomerang back around to you.  And if not you directly, perhaps someone that you love.  Their life or your life, may start to crumble, and you will find yourself wondering what is going on, and question why all of this happening.  The same is true with positivity.  When you are positive and are a blessing to others, positivity and blessings come back to you ten-fold.  Positive karma is always a good thing.

The purpose of Karma is to complete the human journey towards the final destination happening in the afterlife.  In the words of the late great Nipsey Hussle, “you are going to lay in the bed you make.  You are not going to get away with nothing in terms of the energy; energy is always going to return to you…”

Just remember to be mindful in how you are moving, what you are saying, and the thoughts that you are having, because good or bad, karma will always take place, and what you put out there, will always be returned to you.


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