Trust Your Intuition

Always trust your intuition, as it could save your life. Always listen to your inner voice and inner guidance as it will never steer your wrong.

Always trust your intuition.  I’m sure we have all heard that at some point in our lives, but trusting your intuition and instinct could save your life.  It will tell you things and get your attention; your head might start hurting, your stomach may start cramping, you start to feel nauseous, anxious, tingly, etc.

Many years ago, I started talking to a guy from New York on a dating app.  While conversing with him on the app, I never felt any weird or bad vibes, so we exchanged phone numbers.  One evening, we were on the phone, and my stomach started cramping seemingly out of nowhere.  I was fine all day, but as soon as I started talking to him, my stomach literally started cramping.  I thought that perhaps it was something that I ate earlier that day, so I ended the call telling him that my stomach felt weird.  He told me to get some rest, said that he hoped I felt better soon, and would call me the next day.

The next day, he called me to ask how I was feeling, which was fine by the way, and not even two minutes into the call, my stomach started cramping again.  Additionally, my head started to ache.  Suddenly, it was as if a light bulb went off, and I felt that something was not right.  However, I wanted to see just how long I could stay on the phone with him to see if these pains would subside, but they only got worse.  But here’s the kicker.  He did not say anything during our conversation that would be a red flag or cause me to pump the brakes. 

So, during this conversation, he asked me how my day was, how I was feeling, and if I was feeling better.  I lied and said I was feeling a little better, though not a hundred percent.  In the meantime, my stomach pain was increasing, and I suddenly heard a voice in my head telling me to get off of the phone and to block him.  In my mind I thought “Why?” “What’s going on?”  You know how we start questioning ourselves sometimes.  The voice came back even louder this time and said to get off of the phone with him now and to block him.  I told him that I was sorry to cut the conversation short, making up a reason to get off of the phone. 

He knew that I was in Philly, so before we hung up, he told me that he was coming to Philly in the next two weeks for business and suggested that we get together for dinner and drinks.  I just told him that I would let him know, although I already knew that was not happening, since the voice returned again and told me that I better not go out with him. 

After hanging up the phone and blocking him, I just sat there wondering what that was about, but ultimately, I still listened to my intuition, and I’m glad that I did.  I later discovered that he was living a double life (well several of them) and was abusive.  I was happy and grateful that I listened to my intuition.

What is your intuition telling you about that particular situation or person?  What is your inner voice telling you?  Do you feel safe in proceeding with that situation or person?  Pray on it.  Ask your Ancestors, your Spirit Guides, God, the Ultimate Creator, Buddha, the Angels, whomever you talk to, to give you discernment.  Ask them for guidance and to show you if there is anything about this situation or person that would be a danger to you.  Ask them to remove from your life anything and anyone meant to cause you harm or who or what does not have your greatest and highest interest in mind. 

You are not asking that this person or these people be physically hurt.  You are simply asking that they be removed from your life.  Perhaps something will be placed on their heart where they suddenly do not want to talk to you anymore.  That would be the blessing that you asked for.  They may not know why they all of the sudden no longer want to talk to you, and why they want to delete your number, but this is your answered prayer.

It is also important to remember to be prepared when you ask for this.  Be prepared for the calls and communication to stop, including some that you did not expect.  Unfortunately, some of the people that may be removed from your life will shock you and it can be upsetting, but it is what it is.  Initially, you may feel some type of way that a particular person stopped communicating with you seemingly out of the blue.  Deep down, this person or these people likely did not have your highest and greatest interest at heart, or spoke negatively about you, and they needed to be removed from your life.  Ultimately, it is a good thing, and eventually you will see and understand why.  So always trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice and inner guidance as it will never steer your wrong. 




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