Laugh at Their Downfall?

So let me get this straight.  You heard that someone you grew up with, or perhaps met in passing has fallen on hard times and you laugh.  You find it funny that they are now struggling in life.  Please read this carefully.  You will never be blessed taking pleasure in someone else’s downfall. 

One day while out and about, I ran into a woman that I went to school with.  As we caught up, she started telling me about another woman that we grew up with and how she “fell off” and was doing bad, all while smirking and seemingly giddy.  That energy was weird to me and quite frankly annoyed me so I said well, I pray that things get better for her.  She absently agreed, and I quickly wrapped up the conversation and went on my way.  I did not like that interaction at all, and all I could think about was one word.  Karma.

When someone experiences a setback in life or a failure, it is a reflection of their humanity because guess what?  We all fall short sometimes at something or we will at some point.  Laughing at or getting joy from another’s misfortune is never a good idea.  Instead of laughing, let it be a reminder to you that fortunes can change quickly and swiftly and that we too, could find ourselves in similar or worse situations.  Rather than laughing, how about uplifting them with words of encouragement or helping them where you can?  

I believe that this is one of the many reasons why many people do not like to share what they have going on with others or what they are working on, because if they fail at that thing, they may be laughed at or mocked.  We all fail at something or will, which ultimately serves as a learning experience on what not to do next time, or what to change.  Always remember that your downfall could be next in line.  So humble yourself and never take pleasure in someone else’s misfortune or downfall.


Did They Forget Me?


You Are Their Villain