Met Gala Fashion Drama

Fashion.  Extravagant.  Over the top.  Glamorous.  Eye Popping.  Dramatic.  These are just some of the words that describe the Met Gala, held annually in May in New York City.  The gala is a fundraiser held for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute in New York City and raises millions of dollars every year.  

Guests are expected to curate their fashion to match the theme of the annual exhibit.  This year’s Met Gala, whose theme was “in honor of Karl,” celebrated the work and life of the late Karl Lagerfeld.  As expected, plenty of people had much to say about the chosen attire of the invited attendees.

While I heard and read comments about the best and worse dressed at the gala, I noticed that many people focused on Lil Nas X, including several of my social media friends.  Lil Nas X, whose government name is Montero Lamar Hill, is a rapper, singer, and songwriter who often defies conventional social and musical conventions.  In other words, he goes against the grain.  By the way, be sure to check out Podcast Episode #46, where I go into more depth about this topic.  You can click here to listen to the episode on my website, or head over to Apple Podcasts to listen by clicking here. (This Realm of Existence).

If you have not seen Lil Nas X’s 2023 Met Gala attire, you can check it out online.  However, to provide a brief description, his entire body appeared to be painted in a shimmering silver, including his lips and face, and he has on what appears to be a pair of silver swim trunks, platform shimmering silver boots, and a shimmering silver masquerade ball mask.  His body, including the swim trunks and boots, is also embossed with white pearls, which pays homage to Lagerfeld, who was known for his use of pearls.

One post in particular that I read about his attire, asked why it was acceptable that we would allow him to wear such a thing, and that Lil Nas X needs to relax.  Why does he need to relax?  Is it simply because you do not agree with his attire?  It is a mystery to me why people often concern themselves with what someone else is doing or wearing, especially when it does not affect them in the least.  How does it affect your life, your money, your ability to get money, your health, and so on? 

Not surprisingly, in reading some of the comments on the post, many people agreed with the poster, saying things like, the end of days are here, it’s an abomination, he should be ashamed of himself, he will be judged for this, and so on.  Insert sigh here.  I know that religious beliefs can sometimes be a taboo subject, and one that I do not argue about, because we all have the right to believe in whatever we choose.  Growing up in the black Baptist church I was taught to believe certain things, but as I discussed in previous podcast episodes, as I got older, I started questioning a lot of things, and even more so as I started my spiritual journey.  So, while I understand that we grow up believing certain things, it does not necessarily make what we were taught right. 

Other comments said how it was sad that he would dress like that this, and that how we should not cheer this on.  Let me be clear.  For me, it is not a matter of cheering on someone’s attire itself, but rather me cheering on a person’s right to be them, and to live in their truth and to live life on their terms.  That is what I am cheering for.  Others went on to say how we have been programmed to accept this as if it is normal, and that this sort of attire and behavior should not be displayed.  I do not understand the problem in Lil Nas X flaunting to the world who he chooses to be.  Again, he is not bothering or harming you in any way. 

Several other comments stated how this type of attire is acceptable at the Met Gala, and questioned why would Lil Nas X’s outfit, which was on theme, offend him, going on to ask if it was simply the outfit itself, or the fact that Lil Nas X is a member of the LGBTQ community.  Another said that it is his body and he can do what he wants with it.  The original poster then responded how is unacceptable because this is the imagery that our children see. 

Listen closely.  Your children, as they grow up, are going to be exposed to all sorts of things, and you will not always agree with it.  People are going to use foul language in front of them.  They are going to sometimes go a little too far with public displays of affection in front of them.  However, it is part of being outside in the public, and we cannot dictate or control the things that we or children see.  Instead of looking at the negative side, how about talking to your children about how people have their own lives to live, and whether we agree with what they do, their lifestyle, how they act, and so on, or not, it is their business. 

My parents for example, were very protective of me, and actually still are, but even they could not shield me from everything when I went out into the world.  I had to go to school.  I had to go to the Boys and Girls Club.  I wanted to go outside to play, and sometimes, I would see things.  They could not stop me from being exposed to some of the crack heads in the neighborhood.  I saw them.  My parents explained certain things to me but they could not stop the world from happening just because they did not like it or agree with it. 

We will always see things out in the public that we do not agree with, and we have every right to agree with or not agree with whatever we choose.  However, we must remember that we do not get to dictate what others do.  Therefore, whether you love, like, or hate Lil Nas X’s Met Gala attire, he can do what he wants, and wear what he wants, regardless of whether or not he is doing it on his own volition, or if Hollywood is dictating that this is how he must present himself for shock value. 

Ultimately, no matter what you do, say, or how you choose to live your life, someone somewhere is going to take issue with it.  Oh well.  Continue being you and living your life and in your truth, so long as you are not harming anyone else.  Be you authentically and do not allow anyone to tell you who are you, how you should look or live your life.  Live life on your own terms and be happy, and always remember to respect the life choices of others.


Proceed with Caution


Energy and Imagination