Energy and Imagination

Do you know just how powerful your imagination is?  Your desires, dreams, and goals all start in your imagination.  You imagine what it would be like to achieve your dreams, to travel around the world, to meet the love of your life, to live a life of abundance, peace, and prosperity, and so on.  As cliché as it sounds, if you can imagine it, you can achieve it. 

As you imagine things and put energy towards it, it will grow, good or bad.  What you focus on and give energy to, tends to blossom whether positive or negative.  For example, if I am not feeling well, rather than focusing my energy into how I do not feel well, I imagine myself healthy and fully healed, instead of constantly focusing on the current state, which would only bring more of that current state.  Focusing on negativity, or something that we do not want only brings more of it, so why not focus on positivity and what you do want?

Take a moment to think about all of the amazing possibilities in your life, instead of focusing on any issues that may come up.  Imagine for a second that you live in your dream home.  What does it look like?  What does it smell like?  How do you arrange your furniture?  Is it filled with laughter, fun, and memories?  How does your new home make you feel?  Picture yourself pulling up to that home every day, and imagine how grateful you are to say that you now live in your dream home. 

In the words of Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”  Imagining yourself as a failure and putting that energy into the atmosphere will only attract more things to make you feel that way.  Only you get to determine how you see yourself, and how you imagine your life.  As you imagine the things that you want, and focus on positivity, you will begin to bring more of that into your life.  Opportunities may begin to present themselves that otherwise may not have. 

As you begin to work towards these things that you first imagined, continue to be positive regardless of any obstacles that may come your way.  Say to yourself, this is only temporary, and I am more than capable of achieving everything that I have imagined for my life.  And so it shall be.


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