Feelings of Inadequacy

As the sun gently kisses your skin, you awake smiling and ready to start your day.  You are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and are grateful to have another opportunity to move closer to your goals and dreams.  You feel strong, motivated, and ready to take the world by storm, knowing that nothing and no one can stop you.  Although you may not be exactly where you want to be, you are taking the necessary steps to get there.

The next day, you lie in bed wondering if it is worth it.  You wonder if you should even continue pursuing the vision that has been placed on your heart, allowing negative thoughts to creep in.  You begin to feel inadequate, and question why you are doing certain things and if it will ever pay off.  When these feelings appear, we often feel alone as if we are the only one in the world with these feelings.  You think to yourself, “Who am I to dream this big? To that I say, who are you to not dream that big and bigger?

We all have feelings of inadequacy at times, no matter how far we have come.  Although feeling inadequate can be tough and depressing, it is important to remember that we all feel this way at some point.  As a disclaimer however, I am not a licensed mental health professional, and nothing in this article should be construed as providing any medical advice.  Instead, the information provided in this article is my opinion based on my own experiences. 

That said, when we feel inadequate, it may be helpful to identify the root cause of those feelings.  For example, why do you feel that you are not good enough?  Did you grow up being told that you were not good enough, or is that feeling self-inflicted?  Do you not believe that you can be as successful as you imagine? 

We all have a tendency at some point to self-sabotage with negative talk.  When I first started my blog and podcast, I did the same, and found myself doing it every so often even after publishing all of the articles and podcast episodes that I have.  I would often wonder if I should keep going, and deep down, a voice kept telling me yes.  I encourage you to also look deep within to find that thing that keeps you going too.

In a previous blog article entitled “Affirmations,” which you can read by clicking here, I talked about how I like to start and end everyday with affirmations, and provided a few that I use to get you started.  Speaking life and positivity over oneself is amazing for the psyche, and I also look at it as a necessary part of self-care.  Try a few and see how you feel.

You can also try focusing on your strengths when feelings of inadequacy appear.  As you go through these feelings, it is also ok to seek support from a trusted family member, friend, or even a mental health professional to help you work through these feelings.  Just remember that you are not inadequate.  In fact, you are a magical being who can achieve whatever it is that you set out to achieve.  You are enough and always remember that.


Energy and Imagination


Past Life Regression