Past Life Regression

Have you ever visited somewhere and your soul felt at home?  There was something about the place that you could not quite put your finger on.  You were relaxed, blissful, and completely worry free.  Perhaps you either visited or lived there in a past life.  Maybe it used to be home.  Let’s talk about past lives and reincarnation.

Reincarnation is the belief that a person's soul can be reborn in a new body after their death, and past lives refer to the belief that an individual has lived previous lives before their current one.  Many people believe in these concepts, and that we come back to earth multiple times to learn life lessons that we may not have fully learned in a previous life, to live out karma, to fulfill a mission such as getting more people to become spiritually aligned, and much more.  We may also come back to share our gifts, because believe or not, we all have gifts, regardless of what you think of yourself.  However, I would advise you to always think of yourself as the King/Queen, God/Goddess that you are, because your thoughts are powerful.

You have a gift even if you are not fully aware of what that gift is.  For me, the main thing that keeps calling me is creativity; writing (poetry, short stories, screenplays), all things communications, public speaking and more.  This is what I absolutely love to do, and I believe that part of this gift is to inspire.  For example, by day I am a lawyer, and I was recently speaking to a colleague about an issue that we are working on.  We then segued into the topic of writing, specifically blogs and podcasts.  I honestly do not recall how we got on the subject. 

She mentioned how she wanted to start her blog and podcast, and has already written several articles and has a few podcast topic ideas, but was afraid of putting herself out there.  In that moment, all I could think of was wow Universe, God, The Most-High, apparently, we are on this call for a reason.  I shared with her my journey thus far, and how in my first article entitled “You Are Enough,” I shared how I was fearful about starting my blog and podcast, wondering who would want to listen to me or read my words, but decided to push fear aside and just go for it.

We ended the call with her being very excited and said how this call as ordained and meant to happen for this reason, and that I was being used as a vessel, and that made me feel good.  I told her how back in law school I felt like I was used as a vessel as well during my second year by a first-year law student.  By the way, you can check out that story in my blog poste entitled “Being a Testimony for Others,” by clicking here.  You can visit my website

But back to reincarnation.  Do you believe in past lives?  While many people do, some people do not.  Some believe that this is our one and only life, and that is ok for them to have that belief.  For me, I do believe in past lives and reincarnation.  I have a strong, and I mean STRONG calling to Dubai, which is located in the United Arab Emirates.  I even published a podcast episode entitled “My Dubai Dream,” which you can listen to here, or on Apple Podcasts. 

In that episode, I explained how I fell in love from the moment the plane first touched down in Dubai in 2013, and how I continued to fall in love more and more with every subsequent visit.  From the moment I stepped off the plane, it was just something that felt settled in my soul.  Something just grabbed me, and I felt almost emotional, and I hadn’t even ventured out into Dubai yet.  I hadn’t even gone through immigration and customs just yet either, but there was something about it that grabbed me.  I simply felt like I was home.

As the driver of the car that I reserved drove us through the streets of Dubai, I was simply in awe.  Yes, it is a beautiful place, and the architecture is ahead of its time, but it was more than that.  I have been extremely blessed and grateful to have traveled to many amazing places around the world from Singapore, to Thailand, to Italy, to Kuala Lumpur, which is my second favorite place by the way, and many, many more.  I love all of those places, but never had I ever had that feeling in my gut about any place like I did with Dubai, where there was something about the place calling out to me. 

From that first visit, I knew that one day I wanted to purchase property there, and I have replayed this vision so many times in my head and have pictured myself sitting at that closing table.  I have it on my vision board, and have even researched companies and law firms over there to contact when I am ready.  I have the mindset that it will happen.  When and how it will happen, I honestly have no idea, but I know that it is going to happen.

Based on this, I feel that in one of my past lives, I may have been born in Dubai, lived in Dubai at some point, perhaps I was Arab, and so on.  I have no idea.  The thing about past lives is that you may not have been the same as you are now.  You may be a woman now, but perhaps in a past life you were a man.  You may be considered African American in this life, but perhaps in a past life you were Asian. 

This leads me to studying and wanting to know more about past life regressions, which is a technique that aims to access and explore memories of past lives or incarnations.  It is sometimes used as a form of therapy, and for me, I am very interested in why I am so pulled towards Dubai in particular.  I really want to get into my own past lives, because I know that I am an old soul.  This is not my first go round on earth.  I just do not remember or recall my past lives, but this strong pull to Dubai has to mean something. 


Feelings of Inadequacy


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