Perfect As Is

Think about this.  At the exact weight you are right now, whether you have stretch marks, scars, or any other visible marks, you are someone’s dream girl or dream guy.  Your height is perfect for the person that see’s you as their dream girl or dream guy.  At your current salary, the type of home you have, you are someone’s dream.  Your personality be it sarcastic, joking, loving, and so on, as it currently is, is someone else’s dream. 

I say all that to say do not try to change yourself to ‘fit’ into someone else’s world, or for their acceptance.  Never try to change yourself to make someone else happy or to mold yourself into what they want you to be.  That will only lead to resentment.  While we all have room to improve in various aspects of our life, it should never be done for someone else.  If you decide to make a change, make sure you are making that change for yourself.  

Sometimes we try to justify things about us as the reason why we have not found our true love yet, our dream job, and so on.  Your dream job and fairytale love are still waiting for you as you are.  We tend to be so hard on ourselves; I need to lose twenty pounds, I need to fix my teeth, make more money, change my hair, if only I owned property, and on and on.  Stop.  Now breathe.

You only need to be you and the right people for you will find you.  How can you expect those for you to find you if you pretend to be something that you are not, or if you go into such a shell that they cannot see you?  You are in perfect harmony where you are.  Maybe the love of your life loves your so-called weird laugh, crooked smile, your belly you hate, your hair just the way it is, and has no problem with your current income.

We are all perfect for the right people.  That is not to say that we do not have flaws or things that we could work on, because we all do.  But sometimes we need to take a step back, look in the mirror, and tell ourselves just how awesome we truly are.  And by being you, your tribe will find you.


Conditional Love?


Stunting for Social Media?