Putting Others Down

Let’s talk about stroking your own ego and sense of self-worth by putting others down.  Not cool.  Putting others down to make yourself feel better is not the move.  In fact, it makes you look extremely weak. 

Engaging in this type of behavior simply to make yourself feel superior or special really shows how truly inferior you are, and not so special.  A person who is truly special, though superior to no one, because none of us are superior to anyone, does not have to put anyone down to make themselves feel better.

Back in college, where I graduated with honors, during my junior year I shared a class with a young lady whom I considered somewhat of a friend.  For purposes of this article, I will call her Kelly.  I say that I considered her ‘somewhat’ of a friend because although we were not that close, we sometimes went to the cafeteria together, or watched the guys play basketball.  But that was about it. 

As most college students, half-way through the semester, we were studying for our upcoming mid-term exams.  I have always been a good student, maintaining great study habits.  Once we received our grades, I was delighted to see that I had earned an A on my mid-term, especially considering that it accounted for about thirty percent of our overall grade for the semester.  Kelly approached me after class to inquire about my grade, and when I told her that I got an A, she replied “How did you get an A?  Did you cheat?” 

After gathering myself I simply said, “Excuse me?  I don’t cheat on exams.  I studied for this test.”  She could not believe that I earned an A when she received a B.  She could not fathom that I was either just smarter than her, or perhaps just studied a little harder for that particular exam.  There were also a few people in the class that received an A+.  Was I supposed to automatically think that they cheated because they received a higher grade than I?  Of course not!

I was truly flabbergasted and annoyed.  The fact that she tried to put me down and insinuate that I cheated simply because I earned a higher grade than she did was insane.  Needless to say, the little bit of friendship that I thought we had completely disintegrated.  There will always be someone that does better than you in life with something.  Instead of hating on them, congratulate them. 

Instead of downplaying the success of others, which holds back your own success, it is best to focus on celebrating their accomplishments and being supportive of their achievements.  When we celebrate others, it is important to know that our time is coming.  Just as we want others to celebrate our success, we should also celebrate the success of others, without putting them down in any way.  Recognize their hard work for what it is.


Bucket Lists


Jealousy and Envy