
Anne Semonin Spa Thailand

Spa Day?

Walk in the Park?

Walking Barefoot in the Grass?

Movie Night?

Eating Ice Cream?

Beach Day?

Listening to Music?


Writing? What is your form of self-care? How do you take care of you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually? There are many forms of self-care.

We are often everything to everyone else, and in that process, we neglect ourselves. But guess what? A depleted battery serves no good. You cannot continue being superman or superwoman for everyone else, without filling yourself in some way. We all have a tendency to put others first, at the risk of neglecting ourselves. But that stops today. You must put the most important person in your life first, you.

A few years ago, I ended up in the hospital with high blood pressure and was put on medication. Three of them!  The doctor told me that I needed to remember that I would be no good to anyone if I were no longer here.  He went on to explain that I needed to get my stress down and of course get my blood pressure under control, suggesting activities such as going on a walk to clear my mind, or simply sitting on a park bench while listening to music.  And he was right.  I have always been a natural worrier and nurturer; my mother calls me a Mother Hen often.  However, what good would I be to anyone, or even myself, if I did not take care of myself spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.  So, I decided to make self-care an integral part of my life. 

My number one form of self-care is traveling.  I love experiencing other cultures, from their food, to their traditions, to their music and beyond.  I get so lost in the vibes and super relaxed when I travel, and I often meet some amazing people.  But, when I am unable to travel, I have many other forms of self-care such as getting a massage, putting my bare feet into the grass to ground my energy while listening to meditation music, and going to the beach.  That’s one of the best things about living on the east coast; easy access to the beaches.  Just me, my chair, my music, and a good book, basking in the bliss of the sun and the ocean.  Allowing the sounds of the ocean to soothe away any stress that I may have in my body.   Journaling is another favorite, though admittedly, I do not journal every day, though I am getting better. 

One of my latest forms of self-care is not answering my phone or responding to a text message; at least not right away.  Sometimes, I just simply want to be alone with my thoughts and not talk to or message anyone.  And quite frankly, I just might not have the emotional stamina or energy at that time to engage with anyone.  Some people get offended if you do not pick up for them immediately, or respond to their text in T Minus four seconds once received.  I used to ensure that I responded to text messages immediately, but then I stopped myself and said, wait, I don’t feel like responding to that right now.  I’ll respond later.  If the other person gets offended, in all honesty that sounds like a personal problem, and they will get over it.  When I’m talking or texting, my goal is to be fully present and aware, and if I cannot, then sorry.  I will get back to you another time. 

I implore you to practice some form of self-care daily.  Your mind, body, and heart will thank you.  You cannot pour into anyone if your own cup is empty.  Take care of you.


Never Dim Your Light


Spiritual Journey