Never Dim Your Light

You are an amazing, magical, supremely blessed being with a light brighter than you know! Continue living in your truth and in your purpose. Continue elevating in your spiritual journey, maintaining positive relationships, and making your business even more successful.

Continue creating that life of abundance, prosperity, joy, peace and love. You have a gift to share with the world, so keep shining bright like the diamond that you are as you live your best life in this realm of existence!

Listen carefully. Are you listening? Never, ever, ever dim your light to make someone else comfortable.  Let me repeat that.  NEVER, ever, ever dim your light to make someone else comfortable!  You better shine your light so bright that it blinds them. 

I’ve heard stories of countless men and women who dimmed their light because their significant other was jealous of their shine, and to make him or her feel better, they “toned it down.”  All I could say was wow!  Imagine not going after your dreams and goals because your significant other is jealous and trying to hold you back, yet they say they love you.  Well guess what?  A person that loves you will encourage you, believe in you, and trust you, and if they don’t then maybe, just maybe, they are not the right person for you. 

This doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships, but to relationships in general.  Surrounding yourself with people who want you to dim your light to make them feel better is detrimental.  Self-care involves not only taking care of yourself physically and spiritually, but emotionally and mentally as well.  You know the saying that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch?  Well, the same is true of being around people who want you to dim your light.  They will drain your light to the point where it goes dark.  Please don’t allow that to happen. Continue shining and let them be green with envy.

Let them be green with envy as you continue to be the amazing, magical, supremely blessed being that you are.  Let them be green with envy as you continue living in your truth and in your purpose as they turn their lips up in disgust.  Let them be green with envy as you continue elevating in your spiritual journey and developing and maintaining positive relationships.  Let them be green with envy as you continue making that business even more successful, taking those amazing trips, and meeting like-minded high vibrational beings that only want the best for you.  Let them be green with envy as you continue to live a life of abundance and prosperity. 

Let them be green with envy as you continue being the beautiful, daring, wonderful person that you were always meant to be.  Let them be green with envy as you continue to ignore negativity and maintain good vibes only.  Let them be green with envy as you continue to let your light shine brighter and brighter and brighter!  You better not dim that light. Let them continue to be green with envy. They will get over it. If they don’t, oh well. Keep shining bright like the diamond that you are!

By the way, I have a short TikTok post on this topic, so click here to check it out, and don’t forget to follow me.


The Beauty of Crystals

