Silence Is Golden

If you choose to share your goals and dreams with someone, be sure to share them with someone who is genuinely rooting for you, and who wants only the best for you. Someone that will be like, wow! That’s dope! I’m so happy for you!

Listen to me.  Stop talking.  Zip it!  I learned a long time ago, not to share my goals with other people, or at least not with certain people.  When I used to tell people my goals, and I have a lot of them, their first reaction would be “Well how are you going to do that?”  And they had the nerve to scrunch up their face when they asked me that, as if I offended them or they smelled something foul.  I would respond that I don’t have all the answers, I honestly have no idea how I’m going to do it, but I just know that I’m going to do it.  I would also hear things like “That’s too much,” “That’s not realistic,” or “I wouldn’t do that.”  Instead of simply saying, oh that’s awesome or I’m rooting for you, the first thing they did was project their own fears and insecurities onto me.  

Have you ever been so excited about something that you decided to do, or a project that you started working on?  You excitedly told your friends or whomever that you started working on your blog or that you are writing a book.  Or perhaps you told them that you were applying to law school, and instead of congratulating you, the first thing they said was something negative or low vibrational like “How are you going to do that?”  And they continued with the barrage of questions such as “What about this?”  “What about that?”  After a while, you just wanted to scream and tell them to shut it!  Your energy starts to go down like it’s been sucked out by an energy vampire.  But here’s the kicker.  There may not even be any malicious intent behind their questioning, but nonetheless, it has the tendency to weigh you down.

Some people, whether intentionally or not, project their fears and insecurities onto others, which can bring your vibrations down.  While they aren’t necessarily being a hater or simply jealous of your dreams and goals, maybe, just maybe they honestly cannot fathom a dream or goal so big.  They just cannot picture it.  But guess what?  It’s not for them to see because that vision was given to you.  So, you better not allow their fears and insecurities to project onto you, because the next thing you know, you’ll start doubting yourself and your abilities to get to the ultimate life that you want.  No, no, that’s what we are not going to do.  Do not allow anyone to talk you out of your dreams.  As soon as they start asking a bunch of those types of questions, shut it down. 

Let’s go back to when I applied to law school.  I went to law school later in life and was considered the non-traditional law student, having been out of college for a number of years.  When I mentioned that I was applying, most people were congratulatory and wished me well.  Others however, would say things like “Good luck I guess.” “I would not be going back to school after all those years.” “Why now?” “That’s going to be a lot of loans.”  Seriously!?  Deep down, I did not think they were being mean, but I do believe that they were instead projecting their own fears and insecurities on to me, about something that they would not do, or could not see themselves doing.  But guess what?  The vision, the dream was not given to them, it was given to me.  Some of those same people contacted me for legal advice years later.  Now isn’t that interesting.

And please, please know that just because you grew up with someone, doesn’t necessarily mean that they can be part of your journey now.  You are not the same as when you met them.  Some people like to bring these same people along, and keep sharing their goals with them, like aww man, we have been friends for so long.  (Insert Sigh Here) That doesn’t mean that you are meant to be friends now, and quite frankly, as unfortunate as it may be, some friendships are meant to end by a certain age, or as you begin to progress through your goals, especially any spiritual journey. As hard as it is, it may be for your own good, and even if the friendship isn’t totally over, and you genuinely love them and want them as a friend, perhaps they still do not need to know every goal that you are going after. 

So, regardless of your goal, move in silence and just let the results speak for themselves.  But if you choose to share your goals and dreams with someone, be sure to share them with someone who is genuinely rooting for you, and who wants only the best for you.  Someone that will be like, wow! That’s dope!  I’m happy for you!  I know you will be successful at that.  I’m rooting for you!  I believe in you!  I will be sure to read your blog!  I’m sure it’s going to be awesome!  Ultimately, use discernment in what you share and with whom. 

Let me say this last thing, if some of those same non-well-wishing people only knew what I have planned next…what my current goals and visions are, it would blow their mind.  So that’s just my little tidbit of the day.   I hope that you are having a magical day filled with peace, positivity and love darlings.



