
Let’s talk about imagination!  Do you realize just how powerful your imagination is?  Think about it.  Anything that you see in the world today from electric cars to microwaves to computers, to cell phones, someone imagined it first.  They imagined it as a thought before it was brought into reality. 

What are you imagining for your life?  Something that you can see it, feel it, taste it, smell it.  I know it sounds cliché but if you believe it then you truly can achieve it, and anything that you want, anything that you can imagine, you truly can get. 

There is a book that I absolutely love by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer called “The Invisible Force.”  It was published a while ago, back in 2007, but I refer back to this book periodically for inspiration.  The book provides 365 Ways to Apply the Power of Intention to Your Life.  You can literally read each one daily in order, or skip around.  Sometimes you will just skip through and land on a page thinking that you just so happened to land on that page, but perhaps you did so subconsciously because there is a message that you need to hear that day. 

In the book there are a few pages that talk about imagination, that I will attempt to summarize.  Not only was every modern advance that we see today, created by someone contemplating what it was they wanted to create, but our imagination gives us this inner picture that allows us to create and manifest our own reality.  Our imagination is an invisible cord that links us to our own manifestation for what we want in our lives.

In Disney World, there is a ride called “Journey into Imagination” in Epcot Center.  As a side note, I have been to Disney World more times than I care to admit and most people never believe me anyway when I tell them, but that’s another story.  I have been blessed to have been to Disneyland in California many times too, and Euro Disney in Paris once, but ultimately, my dream is to go to every Disney Theme Park around the world.  I just love how Disney is a master at transporting you into a world of fun, laughter, and happiness.  Makes you feel all mushy inside, like a kid again.   

In “Journey into Imagination” the main character’s name is Figment, who is a small purple dragon, and is a speck of imagination.  Get it?  I just love the play on words.  We have all heard the saying a Figment of your Imagination.  That’s so cool.  In the ride, Figment sings the Imagination Song, which is so cute.  I absolutely love it!  If you have not yet heard the song, you should look it up on YouTube.  Over the years, the song has pretty much remained the same, with the exception of it becoming more upbeat over the years, but overall, the words and message remain the same. 

Song Words: We all have sparks.  Imagination.  That’s how our minds, create creation.  Right at the start of everything that’s new.  One little spark, lights up for you. 

The song then goes into the chorus with Figment’s high-pitched voice.  By the way, I have a TikTok post on this amazing gift called Imagination, and I promise you that I do not sing the song.  My singing voice is reserved for me, myself, and I.  So, once you’re finished here, head on over to my TikTok page at esquire_aka and check it out. 

Let’s break down the words.  “We all have sparks.  Imagination.”  These are your thoughts.  “That’s how our minds, create creation.”  It all starts in your mind by imagining all of the possibilities.  Anything you want is yours, but it all starts with you imagining it first.  You imagine your dream home, dream vehicle, dream relationship, dream life, being financially free, living a life of abundance, prosperity, love, joy, and peace.  You imagine this first because remember, that’s how our minds, create creation.  “Right at the spark, of everything that’s new, one little spark lights up for you.”  The spark is your imagination because you are lighting up at the possibilities that you know you can achieve.

Your desires start in your imagination.  I have some huge, audacious goals, that started in my imagination.  The how and when, that’s none of my business, but I know that I am going to achieve everything that I want, from my dream relationship, to my dream home, dream vehicles, dream vacation destinations, and the abundant, prosperous, peaceful, healthy life that I want.

Now I know that someone is saying hold on, let’s pump the brakes here.  You cannot just imagine something and it comes to fruition, but you have to put in the work too.  You are absolutely correct.  Action must be taken.  A plan needs to be put into place, and action items put on paper to begin working towards your goal.  But this action that you decided to take, started in your imagination, because again that’s how our minds create creation.  You imagine it first, and bring it into reality, taking the necessary steps to bring it forward, asking for guidance from God, your Ancestors, your higher self, or whomever you speak with.  Every tangible thing you see in this world started with a thought.  It all began with an idea that was imagined by someone first before it became a reality.

Our imagination is powerful, and you have the ability to achieve whatever you want.  If you can imagine it, you can achieve it!  Now go get it, and don’t forget to follow me on TikTok at esquire_aka.


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