You’re Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea

You are not everyone’s cup of tea and that is alright.

You cannot please everyone, nor should you even try to.  Be yourself, and you will naturally attract those into your life that are meant to be there, whether it be romantic, platonic, or even business relationships.  Everyone is not for you.  You are unique, so why would you want to fit into everyone’s box anyway?

Guess what?  You are not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s alright.  Let me tell you a quick story.  When I was in college way back in the day, I went to Miami for Spring Break with a friend from college, and she invited a friend of hers and her sister, who met us down there.  The amount of attention that these women required was insane. 

One night, we went to a night club and the two women were dressed quite provocatively.  I mean nothing was left to the imagination.  It was boom, pop, bam!  I have to admit that they were beautiful young women, and as a woman myself, I wholeheartedly believe that a woman should wear whatever she desires. However, just before we entered the club however, a group of young men came over to us and spoke, made some small talk asking where we were from, said we looked nice, and kept it moving.  No big deal, right?  Well apparently, it was a big deal to these two young women.  They had a complete fit and somewhat of a temper tantrum, complaining that something must be wrong with those guys for not trying to come onto them in a romantic or sexual way.  They even went as far as to say that the men must not like or be into women.  I could not believe it. I could not believe that they were actually upset about what just occurred or did not occur. In their mind, men should have been swarming all over them like bees because of their physical appearance and how they were dressed.

Not to mention, when voicing their opinions and disgust, they were quite loud to the point where some of the men turned around and looked at them like they were crazy.  You know I gave my friend the side-eye with that silent question “Why did you invite this girl and her sister on this trip with us?” When I go on vacation, or anywhere for that matter, I like to have an enjoyable, peaceful, and fun time.  I’m not trying to get into any arguments, fights, or drama especially when they have nothing to do with me.  So, I must say it.  Had this young woman actually gotten into a fight, she would have been on her own; well, I’m sure her sister would have helped, but not me!  So as the night went on, we were having a good time in the night club, or at least my friend and I were, but these two young ladies were annoyed the entire evening because again in their mind, men should have been swooning all over them, and that was not the case.

Repeat after me.  “I am not everyone’s cup of tea and that is alright.”  Ten people may think that you are beautiful or handsome, and the eleventh person will think you are average.  Ten people may think you have a great body, and the eleventh person will think you are too big or too small.  Ten people may think that you are the perfect height, and the eleventh person will think that you are too tall or too short.  You cannot please everyone, nor should you even try to.  Be yourself, and you will naturally attract those into your life that are meant to be there, whether it be romantic, platonic, or even business relationships.  Everyone is not for you.  You are unique, so why would you want to fit into everyone’s box anyway?  

Throughout my life I have been called weird, which I view as a compliment.  That simply means that I do not fit into someone else’s idea of what I should be, or into their narrow box.  And I would never try, and you shouldn’t either.  Continue to be you because you are amazing and magical just the way you are. Be sure to check out Podcast Episode #06 entitled “You’re Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea” here.


The Intersectionality of Spirituality and Music

