Supernatural Intervention

Let’s talk about supernatural intervention.  Has something ever happened to you, or to someone that you knew that could not be explained?  You try and try to rationalize it but realize that it could not be rationalized.  On the surface level, that explains the concept of supernatural intervention which refers to the belief that supernatural or unexplained forces can intervene on behalf of humans. 

Supernatural intervention can take various forms including miracles, blessings, divine intervention and so forth, and is often seen as a blessing from a higher power.  I have heard many unexplainable stories of such interventions such as an unavoidable accident suddenly being averted or avoided, near death experiences, and more. 

Although supernatural intervention is prevalent in many cultures, it is often met with skepticism in the western world, as some will argue that there is no evidence to support the existence of supernatural forces.  Regardless of what any of us believe, it is still an important concept for many people around the world, and one that I truly believe happened to me during a drive.  Let me tell you a story.

Many years ago, I was in New Jersey sitting a red light.  When my light changed to green, I briefly looked around, and seeing no one, I proceeded to go through the intersection, but my car would not move.  No matter how hard I pressed on the gas, my car remained stationary, and sounded as if I was in park and revving my engine.  Unsurprisingly, the vehicle behind me blared his horn, as most anyone would have done.  Not even two seconds later, a car ran the red light going at least seventy or eighty miles per hour.  Luckily however, he did not hit anyone. 

Had my car not stalled, I would have likely been in the intersection at that time, and he would have careened into me on my driver’s side, which could have been detrimental.  I was super grateful that my car did not move, and still remain grateful to this day.  It was as if an imaginary force was holding my brake down, not allowing my car to move, considering I did not have any issues with my vehicle of that nature prior to or after that incident. 

Whether or not you believe that supernatural intervention is real, there are countless stories around the world of people witnessing such intervention.  Although you have every right to believe what you will, never discount someone else’s experiences simply because it was not or has not been your experience.  Believe it or not, invisible forces protect you daily.  Be grateful.




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