Favorite Quotes

There are many quotes that we may resonate with, and oftentimes, we have our favorites.  We resonate with certain quotes because they reflect an experience or universal truth that we can relate to.  They may provide motivation, inspiration, and sometimes even comfort, and they serve as a reminder of our beliefs and values. 

There are many quotes that I love such as:

  1.  “If it’s still in your mind, it is worth taking the risk.” – Paulo Coelho

  2. “The writer is an explorer.  Every step is an advance into a new land.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

  4. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." – Dr. Maya Angelou

One of my all-time favorite quotes however is from Albert Einstein who said that "Imagination is more important than knowledge."  I absolutely love this quote because it emphasizes the importance of creativity and innovation. 

Oftentimes, we think that we must know everything or absorb an inordinate amount of knowledge or information to be able to progress or move forward.  Some of the smartest and most advanced minds in the world never went to college, and some never even finished high school.  That is not to say that an education is not important or to deter you from getting one, if that is your path or what you desire, considering that I have a Bachelor’s Degree and a Law Degree myself. 

However, this quote emphasizes the importance of creativity and innovation in problem-solving and progress, and suggests that creativity and the ability to think outside the box are more valuable than simply having a lot of information or knowledge.  I believe it implies that being able to imagine new solutions, ideas and possibilities is often the key to success. 

In my article entitled “Imagination,” which you can read by clicking here, I discussed just how powerful our imagination is.  Anything that you see in the world today from electric cars to computers to cell phones and so on, someone imagined it first.  These items were first imagined as a thought before being brought into reality.  While it may sound cliché and even a bit cheesy, if you imagine it, you can achieve it.

Your desires start in your imagination.  I have some huge, audacious goals, that started in my imagination.  The how and when is none of my business, but I know that I am going to achieve everything that I want, from my dream relationship, to my dream home, dream vehicles, dream vacation destinations, and the abundant, prosperous, peaceful, healthy life that I want.

So, this quote is one of my favorites and resonates with me because I am creative at heart, and I am working on several creative endeavors.  Creativity feeds my soul and spirit, and while I enjoy obtaining knowledge, and especially wisdom, I understand just how powerful my imagination is.  So, what is one of your favorite quotes and why?


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