They See You

You know they see you right?  They see you prospering and shining bright like the diamond that you are.  They see you stepping over every hurdle that has been placed in your way.  They see you overcoming every obstacle and coming out stronger every time.  They see you creating this amazing life of abundance, joy, peace and love.  They see you creating generational wealth.  They see you.  They are watching.  And they want to come back. 

When they had you however, they did not see the value in you.  They looked at you like you were the gum on the bottom of their shoe, yet they now want to come back.  When they had you, you loved all of them, yet they did not appreciate your love.  You expressed your deepest fears and desires, but they did not protect your vulnerability, and it took you a long time before you ever revealed yourself to anyone else.  But you did. You healed.  When they had you, they took every part of you for granted and considered you replaceable.

They said that you were too affectionate, too clingy and wanted to much, when you simply wanted to be in their presence because you loved them so.  You just loved being around them.  Yet, when you remind them of this, they now have amnesia.  They do not “recall” that because all they are focused on is getting you back.  Getting back in your good graces, because they see you.  They see how you are glowing and flourishing. 

They now want to be back in your space, a space that you created just for them.  But they did not appreciate the love that your space exuded, the nourishment it provided, or the nurture and care that you emanated.  They see you.  They see that you are happy, and that they have been replaced by a new love that values you in every way.

A true partner has manifested in your life that shares your love of traveling, creating, building an empire, and exudes positivity and loyalty.  A partner that expresses their emotions in a healthy way and shows you daily just how much you are loved and adored. A partner that has created a space of peace and calm.  One that cannot get enough of the affection that irritated the soul of the previous one. 

They see you.  They thought that you would love them forever and that they could never be replaced.  They thought that you would be miserable without them and would forever remain in the hole that they created in your heart when they did not appreciate you.  Not only has the hole been filled in as you have gone through the process of grieving what once was and healed to prepare for what is and what will be, but you kept going and never gave up. 

They thought you were a game to play with and put back on the shelf when they did not want to be bothered.  They thought that you would always be there no matter what, regardless of how they treated you.  But they now see that their game has backfired.  You are not a game to be put away and played with whenever its convenient.  They see you.  They are watching.  Let them enjoy the show from afar, as you continue shining.




The Lack of Diversity in Corporate America