Too Much Weight

Throughout my life, since the tender age of three, I have been blessed to visit many amazing places both domestically and internationally.  I am always seeking my next vacation or adventure, as I love experiencing other cultures, from their food, to their traditions and customs, and so much more.  Traveling is like stepping into a whole new world of smells, languages, colors, sights, sounds and people, and is an overall wonderful experience. 

However, one thing that I learned early on, especially when traveling by plane, is that a plane cannot take off if it is too heavy.  When a plane is too heavy, it cannot safely take-off, and the plane therefore needs to “shed some weight” be it the offloading of passengers, luggage, and so on.  Carrying too much weight could pose a potentially dangerous situation.  While a plane may still be able to take-off in some circumstances when it is overweight, it is not ideal, and there is also an absolute max weight where it would not be allowed to take off at all.

This made me think about life, and how so many of us carry around too much weight.  In this context, I am not talking about weight in the physical sense where you get on a scale.  Instead, I am referring to the baggage that we tend to carry around from situation to situation.  You cannot get to where you want to go, if you are carrying too much weight.  During my daily affirmations, I ask that anything or anyone who is not serving my highest good or does not have my best interests at heart be removed from my life, without harm. 

Erykah Badu, one of my favorite artists, explains this perfectly in her song “Bag Lady.”  One part of the song says “Bag lady, you gon' hurt your back…dragging all them bags like that,” and another part of the song says “One day all them bags gon’ get in your way.”  This is so true.  As we navigate life, and work to create the life of abundance and prosperity that we want, there are some things we will have to shed and get rid of.  Baggage, especially emotional baggage can weigh us down, and make it difficult to move forward and achieve our goals, whether it be regrets that we have, past traumas, negative emotions, fears and so on.

In order to soar, we must shed and release that baggage and weight by acknowledging and confronting these emotions and experiences, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as therapy, journaling, or even talking to someone that we trust. 

Release those people that no longer serve you, old habits that are keeping you stuck, that old mindset that has kept you in the same place, and so on.  Now is as great a time as ever to shed that weight so that you can move forward in creating the amazing life that you have been dreaming of.


Stop the Victim Mentality


Respecting the Beliefs of Others