Is Free Speech Free?

Ah freedom of speech.  Supposedly protected by the first amendment which reads in part:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press….”

While traveling through the airport recently, I came upon an advertisement that read “Free speech is fire.”  I completely agree that free speech is fire, meaning that it is a good thing.  However, I have found that many people talk a good game about free speech and so on, but when you truly listen to them, they do not really advocate for free speech.  They do not mind you having “free speech” so long as you agree with them.  But let’s be honest, that is not free speech at all.

Free speech involves me speaking my truth, my beliefs, and so on, regardless of whether or not they coincide with what you believe.  It refers to my right to express my opinions and ideas without censorship or restraint.  While I understand that some limits on free speech may be necessary in certain circumstances like when it incites hate speech or incites violence, some limitations I do believe go too far.  It is as if we are supposed to all have the same mind, and as soon as you say something that goes beyond the grain, absent of violence or other harmful words, it is as if all of this free speech talk goes out the door. 

When you try to silence someone because their speech does not agree with your beliefs, you don’t truly believe in free speech.  You simply want a yes man or a yes woman to go along with what you say, even if they have reservations about it.  Being a yes man or yes woman can lead to a lack of ideas, diversity, innovation and creativity, leaving people afraid to challenge the status quo.  I have found personally that these types of people often lack integrity and credibility.  Can you say dictatorship because that is what it is.  A dictator does not want input, and does not want people to have free speech and to speak up. 

But what are your thoughts?  Is free speech really free?


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