
Let’s talk about vulnerability. That word alone causes anxiety in many, myself included at times.  I recently shared my poem entitled Vulnerability on my Podcast in Episode #05, where I talk about the importance of being vulnerable and putting yourself out there.  Check it out here.

We are often told to be vulnerable; that is, to speak about our fears and desires and to show ourselves for who we are.  My stomach use to churn at that thought, sending my mind into a tailspin of unsurety and doubt. Many people are afraid of being vulnerable because others sometimes try to bring the darkness of your past to dim the brightness of your future.  They like to remind you of the old you; the person that you once were.  Many fear that their vulnerability will not be protected but will instead be used against them.  Vulnerability requires a sort of trust that not everyone is ready for.  Some people are simply not ready or willing to express their deepest emotions for fear that they will be ridiculed or that those emotions will not be returned. 

To be vulnerable is to be brave.  Although it opens you up to potential wounds of the heart, it may also open you up to love.  Vulnerability allows your heart to potentially feel pain, but also to potentially experience true pleasure and unconditional love.  Being vulnerable opens you up to abundance, prosperity, and new opportunities.  There is strength in vulnerability in facing your demons, in sharing your weaknesses, goals and dreams. 

To be quite honest, the idea of being vulnerable is one that I did not like at first.  But I had to take a step back and think about why I did not want to be vulnerable.  Once again, I was allowing our dear old friend fear to creep in at putting the invisible guard down and talking about my vulnerability and anxiety. 

However, I had to remind myself that my purpose is to encourage, uplift, and inspire others, through my written and spoken word, and what better way to do that then to be vulnerable and share my vulnerability and fears with others.  You never know who you may help by sharing your own fears, insecurities and vulnerabilities, because let’s face it, we all have them.  Someone reading your words or listening to your voice may relate to you more than you know, and by you opening up, you in some way may help them to face their own internal demons, and push through despite fear.      

I personally have allowed fear to consume me for too long.  I was afraid of being vulnerable; afraid of messing up or putting out content that would not be received well, until one day I said, no more.  I told myself to start sharing my writing and my voice, and my tribe would find me. I know that those meant to hear my voice and read my words would be attracted to my space.

So be sure to check out Episode #05 of the Podcast where I talk about and share my poem on vulnerability. You can listen to the episode by clicking here, or by going to the Podcast Tab. I hope that my poem on vulnerability will inspire you to be vulnerable and to put yourself out there in some way.  The world needs you to share your gift, and I encourage to keep going after everything that you want because you are magical, and you can accomplish whatever you set out to accomplish.  So go live your best life in this realm of existence.


Delayed, Not Denied


Being a Testimony for Others